Brothers, John and Billy Martyn are half Japanese and American. They were born in Saudi Arabia and grew up in Pakistan, France, and the U.S. Language Cloud was an idea birthed while they were attending university in U.S., and studied abroad in Japan.In the future, they plan to bridge the gap between educators and entrepreneurs by facilitating innovative discussion regarding the role of web 2.0 technologies in academia. Other efforts to promote web 2.0 technologies is through Language Cloud sponsored conferences.
JohnとBillyのMartyn兄弟は、日本とアメリカのハーフである。彼らはサウジアラビアで生まれ、パキスタンやフランス、アメリカで育った。Language Cloudは彼らがアメリアの大学に在籍中、日本へ留学した際に生まれたアイデアだ。将来、彼らは、学会でウェブ2.0技術の役割について革新的な討論を促進させることによって、教育者と起業家の隔たりを橋渡しすることを計画している。ウェブ2.0技術をプロモートする努力をLangage Cloudがスポンサーをしているカンファレンスでも行っている。
This past September, they hosted the first “Future of Language Learning: Tokyo 2012” conference. This event included a public forum and panel discussion where educators and entrepreneurs of all levels were able to come together and voice their opinions and concerns regarding the future of language learning and educational technology.
この9月、彼らは、初めて「Futer of Language Learning:Tokyo 2012」のホストを務めた。このイベントでは、あらゆるレベルの教育者と起業家が一堂に会して、語学学習と教育についてテクノロジーの未来について、意見や関心事について話し合うパブリックなフォーラムやパネルディスカッションも行われた。
Forum snowboards, bindings, boots, apparel, and a range of accessories from beanies to backpacks to belts are made to match your active lifestyle. Anything and everything you need to outfit the entire family in Forum gear. This brand will get you completely suited up for a fun day of snowboarding. Whether you're an adult, child, male or female, Forum will have the perfect board for you to suit your style, budget, and size. They also have all the clothing you need so you can stay warm, comfortable, and flexible throughout the day.
Making banner ads more attractive and eye-catching is a potential solution. In recent years, many startups have tried to do this, and in addition they tack on ad creation tools to make generating ads much easier.So RichMediaAds is definitely not a rare species in this space. Amobee has PULSE Create, which lets marketers create rich media and 3D mobile ads. 2359Media has Mobdis, a similar solution but without the 3D component (yet). Perhaps the most similar startup to Alvin’s is, which integrates web apps into its ads.
バナー広告をさらに魅力的な目を引くようなものにすることが、見込みあるソリューションとなる。最近、多くのスタートアップは、これを目指しており、広告をもっと簡単に作ることのできる広告創造ツールを取り付けている。だから、RichMediaAdsはこういったスペースでは確実に珍しいものではないのだ。AmobbeにはPULSE Createがあり、マーケターはリッチなメディアや3Dモバイル広告を作ることができる。2359Mediaには(今のところ)3Dコンポーネントはついていない同じようなソリューションがある。恐らく、Alvinのものにもっともよく似ているスタートアップはウェブアプリと広告を融合するFlite.comである。
Re-invent the traditional way of giving gifts in Japan with GiftKitchenUnlike anywhere else in Asia, Japan wedding guests may receive wedding gifts in the form of a catalog available for them to choose from the selection. A startup from Japan intends on changing that tradition with their new product – GiftKitchen.The wedding couple first chooses the catalog which contains multiple items that are pre-selected by the catalog publisher, and the wedding attendee simply chooses their favourite items to take home from the wedding.
However, while planning the catalog for his own wedding, Ogawa-san of Lemo.Inc, felt that this style of catalog giving was flawed since in most cases, the gift-receiver would unlikely fancy anything on the catalog because it had not been customized to their personal preferences.Therefore, in trying to re-invent this traditional way of catalog giving, Ogawa-san created GiftKitchen, a place whereby the gift-giver can select individual items from a large variety of items to design their own catalog.
Targeting more than just wedding gift catalogs, GiftKitchen can also be used in other forms of personal-based giving. The whole aim is to basically “dramatically decrease the phenomenon of less-than-satisfied gift receivers”, mentioned Ogawa-san. To him, giving a gift that is unsatisfactory to the receiver is like a waste.With two engineer and designer that were previously from Yahoo, GiftKitchen is fast expanding and gaining traction in Japan. Since their beta version release, GiftKitchen has been extensively quoted in the media and even gained the reputation of possessing a wonderful concept.
The team of GiftKitchen is now working on the feature developments and market expansion.In Singapore, Happybox is a product that offers a similar concept as Giftkitchen, only that the gift catalogs are limited by themes. The product was previously pivoted by GastroCouture, a startup that fused online reservations and the discount concepts into one system
FxCamera for Android Announces 20 Million Downloads, iPhone Version on the WayEarlier this year we wrote about Japan-based Bitcellar and its free Android camera app FxCamera. At that time it had just raised over $5 million from JAFCO Super V3 Investment Limited Partnership, and appeared to have a strong user base claiming over 15 million downloads.
Android用カメラアプリ、FxCameraのダウンロードが2000万回に至ったと発表。iPhone版も準備中。今年の初め、我々は、日本拠点のBitcellarとその無料AndroidカメラアプリFxCameraについての記事を掲載した。その当時、JAFCO Super V3 Investment Limited Partnershipから500万ドル以上引き出し、1500万以上のダウンロードを誇る力強いユーザーベースを保有する者として登場したばかりだった。
Today the company is announcing that it has surpassed the 20 million downloads mark. Of course, this goes all the way back to when the Android app first started out in 2009. But its growth is nonetheless impressive, as you can see in the chart below. The app was refreshed back in June of this year, leading to bit of a resurgence in popularity. And while it’s not the kind of off-the-charts growth we saw with domestic rival Line Camera, it still looks pretty good.
本日、同社は、そのダウンロード数が2000万回を超えたと発表した。もちろん、これは、このAndroidアプリが2009年にスタートした時からの数字だ。しかし、この成長は、下記のチャートをご覧になるとわかるが、言うまでもなく、強烈なものだ。このアプリは、今年6月にリフレッシュし、これで少し人気が復活した。国内のライバルLine Cameraのようなチャートから外れるほどすごいものではないが、これはかなりいい物である。
If you haven’t yet tried FxCamera, the application lets you add a number of effects to your smartphone photographs, including toy camera effects, fisheye and symmetrical effects, and more.The Japan-based app is actually more popular in the US than it is at home, with its top five countries being the US, Japan, Korea, India, and Thailand, in that order. The US is also its fastest growing country as well.Bit Cellar also notes that an iPhone app is soon on the way, so stay tuned for that as well.
まだFxCameraを使ったことがないのなら、このアプリを使うと、スマートフォンの写真に、トイカメラ効果や魚眼レンズ効果、シンメトリカル効果などたくさんの効果をつけることができるのだ。日本に拠点のあるこのアプリは、実のところ、日本国内よりもアメリカで人気があり、上位5か国はアメリカ、日本、韓国、インド、そしてタイの順番だ。アメリカはこのアプリの成長速度が最も早い国でもある。Bit Cellarは、iPhoneアプリも間もなくリリースされると述べているので、こちらにも注目しておこう。
Dear,Thank you for your order.Recently, as for the 18th Chinese congress of party representatives, the parcel shipped by China Post have be checked strictly, and all the parcels can not include betteries.So for the helicopters, now only can ship out by Singapore post parcel,but will cost more.Here we send this mail to you ask for your advice do you still want this item to ship out by Singapore and pay more shipping cost or wait about one month to ship out by china post air parcel ? Please tell us your opinion and looking forward to your early reply.Warmly regards
How to use RSSBefore you subscribe to a feed, you'll need an RSS reader or “aggregator” to view content in RSS. Several free and commercial RSS readers are available online. Popular RSS readers include AmphetaDesk, Radio UserLand, and NewzCrawler.Once you have an RSS reader, you can click Subscribe links whenever you see the RSS icon .Our RSS feedsSince eBay has such a vibrant community, our content changes on a regular basis. RSS feeds make it easy for you to see recent changes and updates for: • Stores• Discussion boards• Search results page• Announcement boards You’ll get updates from RSS feeds based on how often you set your reader to retrieve data from eBay.
RSSの使い方フィードの購読をする前に、RSSのコンテンツを見るためにRSSリーダーか「アグリゲータ」が必要です。オンラインで無料、有料のRSSリーダーが入手可能です。人気のあるRSSリーダーにはAmphetaDeskやRadio UserLand、NewsCrawlerなどがあります。RSSリーダーがあれば、RSSアイコンを見る時にいつでもサブスクライブリンクをクリックすることができます。我々のRSSフィードeBayは動きの大きいコミュニティなので、我々のコンテンツは規則的に変化します。RSSフィードがあれば、次のようなものの最近の変化やアップデートを確認することができます。・ストア・ディスカッションボード・検索結果ページ・お知らせボードeBayのデータを見るのにリーダーをセットする頻度に合わせて、アップデートされたRSSフィードを見ることができます。
Try, fail, try again, maybe fail again. No one can guarantee success on the first try, but we need meticulous planning, we need an approach before we begin, and we need KPIs to measure our success. I would rather come up with a dozen plans to attack a single problem than put all of my eggs into one basket. So often we know that we’ve failed but because we only had one plan we end up working until the plan has been fulfilled anyway; how tiring!
Talking like a regular person is the most fundamental requirement for entering social media. What does that mean? 1. Honesty 2. Logical clarity 3. Confidence 4. A desire for equal communication and 5. Respect for others. Honest means don’t bullshit, logical clarity means know what you’re doing, confidence means you give happiness to others, equality means don’t put yourself above others, respect others means listen.
Although that’s a lot of tips, it’s just the tip of the iceberg (see what I did there?) so feel free to check out the full article if you’re interested. If you’re looking for one major takeaway here, it’s that you should be honest and communicate directly with customers on Chinese social media. That might seem like common sense, but since there are still plenty of companies buying followers by the truckload for the sake of vanity, it’s a lesson not everyone has yet learned.
12 Tips for Success in Chinese Social MediaWe get inquiries all the time from companies that are looking to get into Chinese social media and wondering how to go about it. That’s a very complicated question, and the answer can vary quite a bit, but I came across this list of tips from Jin Pengyuan on Sina Tech’s new Entrepreneur column and it’s a damn good start. The full list has fifty tips, each the length of a Chinese weibo post, and it is definitely worth reading. But I thought I’d translate a dozen of the most important tips here for those who can’t read Chinese. (Note:In some cases, I have condensed or otherwise edited these tips for clarity, so this isn’t a direct translation. The emphasis is also mine.)
中国のソーシャルメディアで成功する12のヒント我々は、常に、中国のソーシャルメディアに参入したいと思い、どうしようか模索している企業から問い合わせを受けている。とても複雑な質問で、答えはとても多岐にわたるのだが、Sina Techの新しい起業家コラムのJin Pengyuanのこのヒントのリストを見つけた。これはなかなかよいスタートだ。リストには50ものヒントがあり、それぞれが中国のweiboの投稿の長さだが、本当に読む価値がある。しかし、中国語が分からない人たちのために、ここに最も重要と思われるヒントを1ダース翻訳しようと思った。(注意:いくつか、分かりやすくするために要約したり、編集したりしており、直訳ではない。強調についても私が行ったものだ。)
If you’ve decided to enter social networks, don’t expect to be praised and worshipped every day. Even the great Steve Jobs had people cursing at him. If your competitors hire an army of commenters and start making up negative responses for everything you post, what can you do? Even your smallest mistakes can be siezed and broadcast out in seconds, so companies with weak nerves should stay far away from social media.
もしも、ソーシャルネットワークに参入しようと決めたのなら、毎日賞賛を受けたり、尊敬されたりしたい、なんて思ってはいけない。あの偉大なSteve Jobsだって、人にののしられていたのだ。競合相手にはたくさんのコメンターがいて、あなたの投稿にはネガティブな反応がある場合、どんな手が打てるだろう?ほんの小さな失敗を取り上げられ、瞬く間に世に広がってしまうのだ。だから、神経がか弱い企業はソーシャルメディアに近づかないほうがいいだろう。
You spent hundreds of thousands on the master with the 80-page Powerpoint, will you spend hundreds of thousands on ten thousand followers? Don’t believe the crap about how much money one follower is worth, think about what your goal is in acquiring these followers. Even if your brand has some recognition in real life, you may not be able to beat a Guo Meimei. Eliminating the distance between you and your customers takes endless communication and time, and after all, isn’t time money?
80ページのPowerpointのある長に何十万ドルも費やし、1万人のフォロワーに何十万ドルも費やすのか?1人のフォロワーがいくらの価値があるかなんていうたわごとを信じてはいけない。何のためにフォロワーを獲得しようとしているのかを考えるべきだ。あなたのブランドが実際にある程度認知されている場合でも、Guo Meimeiに打ち勝つことはできないかもしれないのだ。あなたとあなたの顧客の距離をなくすためには、常にコミュニケーションを取り、時間をかけるしかないのだ。そして、結局のところ、時は金なり、ということなのか?
Don’t think you’re going to become the next whoever, when you think like this you have already lost. Whether you’re a brand or a product or an actual person, are there ever two who are exactly the same? Also, don’t expect to become a success story one month after you enter social media. The people who promise you this are liars. On a long road know the strength of your horses, time reveals the true nature of people. Actually on entering social media, the first think you’ll learn about is enduring loneliness.