with a graphYou can change the display by touching tab.1) Displays daily Expenditures (1day)2) Categories with a small expenditure [Others] can be seen here grouped. By pressing the triangle (▽) you can explore details3) If you input your purchase budget, the income and expenditure balance is displayed4) If you press the bar graph button it will display a comparison graph of expenditure daily or monthly.Intermediate level guideYou can customize it to suit your lifestyleYou can change the categories and monthly cut off period settings to suit your own needs.○To customize category to your favoriteOpen category area and touch the "Customize" buttonCategories can be re-positioned or deleted by just touching
圖表說明:你可以按標籤來變更陳列1. 顯示每日支出 (一天)2. 小額支出的類別 可以在【其他】裡依分類找到。按三角形可以看詳細內容3. 如果你輸入你的購買預算,收入及支出會做收支平衡後顯示4. 如果你按長方形圖鈕,將會顯示每日或每月的支出比較圖表進階指導手冊你可以將它個人化來符合你的生活風格你可以更改類別及每月切斷週期設定來符合你的需求如何依照你的喜好個人化類別開啟類別區並點選"個人化"的按鍵只要點各個類別,就可以隨意的移位或刪除選項