Sorry for the late report,The mascara has arrived at the cosmetics company.Thank you very much.The minimum production capacity of the display box in Japan is also 1000PCS.The size of the box to be produced is W7 x L9 x H12 cm.Because it is a box of 12 bottles, if there are 1000 boxes, it will sell 12,000 MAX2.You must do your best to sell.In Japan it is called A3 size.It seems to be making a box using 297×420 size paper as a template.I'm glad if I can get a quote with this.
返信が遅くなり申し訳ありません。分かりました。ゴジラのフィギュアをご購入いただきましたので、こちらの商品は特別に140ドルでご提供いたします。ゴジラのフィギュアは、明日6/20発送予定です。サービスで、シン・ゴジラ&ゴジラ ペアチケットホルダーをお付けします。ゴジラのフィギュアは、箱は付いていませんので、予めご了承ください。ご購入いただきありがとうございました。※現在、日本国内での注文が多くあるため、発送が少し遅れています。順次発送しておりますので、今しばらくお待ちください。
Sorry for the late reply.I got it. Because you have purchased a Godzilla figure, this item will be available in the special 140 US dollars. Godzilla's figures will be shipped tomorrow (6/20). In the service, we will put a Shin Godzilla & Godzilla pair ticket holder. Please note that the Godzilla figure does not have a box. Thank you for your purchase. ※ As there are many orders in Japan now, shipping is slightly delayed. As we ship one by one, please wait for a while time.