I want to confirm that I have the correct paperwork for when I drop my dog off at the airport on October 10. I’ve attached a photo of current rabies certificate. I recently moved to Japan and so the combination vaccine was done in America. I’ve attached a copy of the receipt from the vet’s office as well as import documentation showing this vaccine is still in effect and expires 13 October 2017.Please let me know if I need anything else.
私は困っている。商品は9/12に到着済。そして彼女は9/13に返品について問い合わせてきた。私は彼女の問い合わせの意味が理解できず質問をした。問い合わせには「Customer stated that she does not want to pay for postage because she did not buy the item」とあった。彼女が購入していなかったのであれば、「does not want to pay for postage」の意味がわからない。
I've got trouble.The good is already arrived on September 12th.Then she asked me about returning the good on 13th September.First I couldn't understand her well then I asked some questions.On the inquiry "Customer stated that she does not want to pay for postage because she did not buy the item"I don't understand it. If she hadn't bought... "does not want to pay for postage" doesn't make sense.
■What parents can do to prevent suicide in childrenIt’s important to point out that the majority of children who think about suicide do not end up hurting of killing themselves. Also, the majority of children with ADHD or depression are not suicidal.On the other hand, if children mention wanting to die or hurt themselves, it’s important to take this seriously and respond in a thoughtful manner. A child who is preoccupied with thoughts of suicide and dying is suffering and urgently needs help.Given that most kids have heard about suicide by age 8 or 9, it’s worth bringing up the topic with all children, to understand what they’ve heard, read, or seen on TV about suicide.
This can give you the chance to correct misunderstandings and to explain that suicide is a permanent answer to temporary problems, and it's never a good answer. Emphasize how precious your child is to you and that you will always be willing to help, no matter what the problem is.Spend enjoyable time together and get to know your child’s friends and what’s happening at school or in the neighborhood.
If you notice changes in your child’s personality or behavior such as withdrawing from friends or losing interest in previously enjoyed activities, if your child seems very distressed or has been unhappy for weeks or months, and especially if your child also tends to be impulsive, ask questions to try to understand what’s going on and what your child is thinking and feeling.For most adults, it’s very hard to ask a kid about suicide, because we’re horrified at the idea that a child might think about such a terrible thing. But asking questions could save a child’s life.Experts on suicide unanimously emphasize the importance of asking about suicidal thoughts or actions as an important step towards prevention.
This doesn’t “put ideas” in kids’ heads, but it could give them an important opening to ask for help. For instance, you could ask, “Have things ever gotten so bad that you’ve thought about hurting yourself?” or “Have you ever wished you were dead?” or “Have you ever wanted to go to sleep and never wake up?” or even “Sometimes when kids feel very upset, they think about killing themselves. Has that ever happened to you?”If your child’s answers give you cause for concern, or if you just have a sense that things aren’t right, get help. It’s better to err on the side of caution.
Depending on the urgency of the situation, you could call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255), or call your child’s pediatrician to ask for a referral to a mental health professional.■If you’ve lost a child through suicideIf you have lost a child through suicide, no words can ease your anguish, but know that you are not alone. Get support from friends, family, your community, a mental health professional, and/or an online support group such as Parents of Suicides. Suicide is never anyone's fault. Even as you miss your child and grieve for your child’s lost future, try to find some comfort by honoring your memories of your child’s life.
状況の緊急性によっては、911(救急車)を呼んだり、近くの緊急所に行ってください。国民自殺予防ライフライン 1-800-273-TALK (8255)に電話したり、あなたの子供の小児科医に精神科の専門医を紹介してもらうように頼んでみてください。もしあなたが子供を自殺によって失ったらもしあなたが子供を自殺によって失ったら、あなたの苦悩を軽減してくれる言葉はありません。しかしあなたは一人ではないと知っておいてください。友人、家族、あなたのコミュニティー、精神科医からサポートを受けてください。または(もしくは)自殺を経験した両親などのサポートグループからオンラインでサポートを受けてください。自殺は誰のせいでもありません。たとえあなたが子供がいないことを寂しく思ったり、子供の未来が奪われたことに嘆き悲しんでいたとしても、あたたの子供の人生の中の思い出を誇りに思うことによって少しは心を楽にしてあげるように努めてください。
English signages and English-speaking public. Everything is written in Japanese so tourists can only get so much with what they can read. When travelling, it's so hard to have deep cultural exchange, when the people can hardly give directions in English. Everything outside the airport is so incomprehensible to someone not speaking Japanese. Other countries are easier to navigate just because the people can speak English as their second language.English language support is always lackingNot enough is offered in English. Government services are confusing.I really hope that other countries will have a dry, clean and a washlet toilet like Japan.
There are not many options for religious people in terms of churches away from the more international areas of Tokyo. In addition there are not enough international groups where we can meet the local people for language exchange and so on.Facilities for children and working mothersParks, gardens and open spaces - everything is grey and cramped. Speed in governmental services like tax filing and acquiring documents from city hall.Communicate with the sorrounding peopleHuman interaction. Japanese, in their effort to be perfectionists, often come across as cold and uncaring. Would love to see a little more sense of sponateity, friendly conversations, and personal interaction.
東京での教会などの宗教に関する選択肢が少ない。加え私たちが地元の人たちと言語文化を交換できる、インターナショナルグループが足りない。子供や仕事を持っている母親での施設公園、庭、開放的なスペースー すべて灰色で混み合っている税金に関する書類記入や市役所から文書を取り寄せる際の公共機関のサービスのスピード。周りにいる人たちとの関わりあい人々の関わり合い。日本人の完ぺき主義には、頻繁に冷たさや思いやりのなさを感じさせます。臨機応変さ、フレンドリーな会話、個人的関わりがあったら素敵
↓上からの続き In addition, Japanese overwork is insane.understanding of foreign culturefinancial accounts and services for foreigners english speaker everywhereInformation about halal/kosher restauran, halal supermarket, and mosque location. I wish Japanese apartments for rent were built more robustly.Sometimes it is difficult to pick up WiFi even in central Tokyo. Another thing lacking is proper biking lanes for cyclists. I want to cycle everywhere but it difficult to do so. (but like I said earlier at least the trains are good). Wow Good Quentin None. I hate when Japaan compares itself with other countries.
multilingual language is main problem in government service and hospital Need more public trash cans. Need more parks with nature that are pet and kid friendly. There are not enough public servants with a decent level of English. There are not enough free public wifi services. The upfront healthcare costs can be too expensive.Organic foods The person who can speak English still very very few in Japan especially government officenothing in particularI believe that Tokyo needs better international supermarkets. Some of the international supermarkets don't stock so many interesting items from abroad
Public transportation can be stressful and commuting to and from work is very time consuming. I wish there were more affordable places to live where I work. However, Japan has the best transportation system in the world, I don't know if it needs improvement.signs in englishThere's nothing I was not able to obtain in Japan. service in english for foreigners.help for foreignersnight transportation, there needs at least to be a night bus or subway inside big cities like tokyoNothingMulti-lingual support, start up business support, and flexibility on certain rules.I love Japan Wish this country to stay the same It's the best in the world lack of social lifesigns in english for trafficSmoking needs to be curbed.
Lack of English speakers and it doesn't support integration of foreigners into community 24 hour late train service and all useful information in english English. Office regulations. Stricter breaks and a clear 18:00, when I can go homeMental health care is severely lacking as many mentally ill people gather around my station. Public wifi is also very behind other countries in asia The suica, it is should have the monthly fee for whole route,not only just specific route.Nothing in particularLanguage and global acceptance. Still Japan need to accept others for globalization.Public places like park station official buliding there should be a english notice board.to little english
English newspapers, English TV programmes or news, English tags on items in supermarkets, hard to get Halal foods.The only thing I would like is for government offices to offer more services in English. I know that it is necessary for foreigners to learn Japanese but it is not an easy language to learn and it takes time so for important government related matters I think it would be nice for example if there was an option to receive documentation in English. Working environment is badDue to the size of the city, and the numerous population, it is hard to have enough green spaces (public parks) and sports facilities compared to many American or European cities.
英字新聞や英語でのテレビ放送。スーパーでの商品への英語表示. アラビア語の表示された商品を手に入れるのは困難ひとつ挙げるのならば、公共機関でのサービスをもっと英語で対応できるようにすること。もちろん外国人が日本語を勉強することは必要だと思っていますが、日本語は習得するのに大変難しい言語で大変時間がかかります。重要な政治に関わる事は英語で手に入る事は、大事だと思います。例えば英語で書かれた文書を選択できるなど。職場環境が悪い街の大きさに限りがあり、突出した人口。アメリカやヨーロッパの街に比べ、緑があるスペース(公園)やスポーツ施設が限られている。
In my country (Philippines), the people are hospitable and friendly, you can always see people smiling at you even if they don't know you. We can also speak english to foreigners visiting our country. In my four years of living in japan, i see japanese people everyday but they are not smiling even if you smile at them, they alson don't greet you when you greet them. I would like to befriend them but they cannot speak and understand english so it is hard for both parties to be friend. restaurants with childrens facilities. Japan is not children friendly. no smoking in bars reataurants Hotels are bad and expensive Lack of flexibilityEnglish speakers.lack of service in my laungouesLove japen
Free wifi. No sim lock anymore....I never find sim lock phone in Asia except Japan. Really bad impression to foreigners and it is really out of date. Take out service of restaurant in Japanese is lessNothingAccessible parks, and trees in more streets.I think the business culture in Japan requires too many hours in the office. On work days, unless I go out with coworkers after work, I rarely have time for leisure activities. Japanese like to go to Europe because of the open outside cafes and restaurants. I wish that was here too. I think their should be a new and bigger sports center in Tokyo with many facilities inside to use. Including a proper skate rink.
↓上からの続き I have a scooter so I think that parking services need to improve. There isnt enough. And tickets are expensive. Japan lacks free-wifi spots. and facility do acquire phonesOnline process for residence for moving between the wards.SatifiedTransportation is the key factor here in Japan but no night service after 2amnot in particularI think that Japan could do better at attracting foreign companies and respecting them. I get the sense that while foreign companies are accepted in Japan, they are viewed as existing below Japanese companies, which isn't necessarily fair. Also, the Japanese workplace mentality is pretty brutal.
Everything is too close together in Japan. I wish it were wider somehow. Also public trash cans would be helpful. I hate carrying trash for long periods of time because there's no where to throw it away. Also if we could recycle every week instead of once or twice a month, that would be great.Fiestatraffic signs in englishhospitality like hospital should open 24 hoursJapan is still wondering how to contend with growing numbers of foreigners visiting the country every year. The olympics should be interesting to watch.Multiculturalism Free English langauge TV Disaster servicesMultie langauge servicesSometimes I think it is still a closed and sexist society
Japan lacks nothing in my opinion. Everything can be found here.Even though Japanese people make an effort with english language, it would be better if english could be more balance with Japanese language, taking into account that many expats live in Japan and also Japan is a business center in Asia.English language facilities24 hour ATMs - I wish they were more common here.Sometimes I miss some services like paying bills, or tax and office related tasks, cannot be done over the internet, whereas other countries I have lived in the past are quite convenient in those terms.English communication and accepting others as one own :)Nothing Proper english support for foreign businesses and foreigners.
日本には全ての物、ことがあると思う。ここでは全てを見つけ出すことができます。日本の人々が一生懸命英語を出来るようにしようと努力していますが、多くの外交の人が日本に住んでいること、日本はアジアのビジネスの中心という事を考慮しても、英語と日本語のバランスをとったら、より良いと思います。英語が通じる公共機関24時間営業のATM もっと至る所にあればいいのにと私は思います。請求書を支払う際や税金(公共機関が関わっている)へのサービスが欠けていると時々思います。インターネットを通してできればいいのに、これらは私が以前住んでいた国では大変便利なシステムでした。英語でのコミュニケーション、他人を尊重し受け入れること。特になし外国人や会社に対しての、きちんとした英語のサポート
Here is good system people are following rule. One things is that most important movement information are not in english.Pensions and later life careCertainly in English and foreign language support, but also just cultural understanding. Even though I have no trouble communicating in Japanese, some people are hesitant to deal with me. Also, people treat me as a "foreigner" and not as an individual person. Japanese people tend to be narrow minded in their approach to interacting with non-Japanese, which can be frustrating. There's also a lot of beaurocratic red tape and rules that people follow blindly even though they might not apply to the situation.