部屋自体はミズキたち下男の部屋とは比べ物にならないほど広い。 だが、置かれているのはベッドとソファとピアノのみで、絨毯の毛も固く整えられていた。 掃除がしやすいとは思う。 だが、これが国賓の部屋なのだろうか。ミズキ:「なんか………質素っていうか、シンプルというか………」ヒイラギ:「家具を減らしてもらったんだよ。絨毯もしっかり踏めるものにしてもらったし。代わりに良い音が出るピアノを頂いてしまったけどね」ミズキ:「~~~~~~ッ?!」
The room itself was huge, no comparison of house boys’ room. However, there were only a bed, a couch, and a piano in the room. And, the carpet was firm. He thought it is easy to clean.But, is this really a room for a state guest?Mizuki: “Well…. It’s very plain or simple….”Hiirragi: “I asked to get rid of furniture. I also asked to change to the firm carpet. But, I got a wonderful piano instead.”Mizuki: “~~~~What?!”
音もなく背後に忍び寄っていたヒイラギに驚き、ミズキは声になっていない悲鳴を上げる。 ナツメが声を立てて笑った。ヒイラギ:「驚かすつもりはなかったんだけど………大丈夫かい?」 ヒイラギは閉ざした目で、ミズキとは違うところを見詰めながら申し訳なさそうに言う。 ミズキは慌てて立ち上がって、見えていないとわかっていながらも「すみません」と頭を下げた。ヒイラギ:「気にしてないよ」 穏やかに笑うヒイラギ。 余計に申し訳なく感じた。
Surprised by Hiiragi, who was sneaking right behind Mizuki silently, Mizuki screamed without his voice. Natsume laughed loudly. Hiiragi: “I didn’t mean to surprise you. Are you ok?”Hiiragi stated at somewhere else with his closed eyes and apologized. Mizuki stood up quickly and bowed his head, saying “I’m sorry” even though he knew that Hiiragi could not see.Hiiragi: “I don’t mind at all.”Hiiragi smiled calmly. Mizuki felt sorry even more.
ヒイラギ:「ところで、君は? 聞いたことのない足音と声だけど………ナツメくんがいるってことは、下働きの子かい?」ミズキ:「あ………昨日から下働きになった、ミズキです」ヒイラギ:「ミズキくんだね。綺麗な声だ」 ヒイラギが微笑むが、ミズキは上手く笑えなかった。 その歌声で国賓待遇を受けているヒイラギに声を褒められても、素直に喜べないのだ。ナツメ:「お掃除をするので、ソファに座って頂いてもよろしいですか?」ヒイラギ:「わかった」
Hiiragi: “So who are you? I’ve never heard of your step or voice before….. I guess you are house helper because Natsume is also here.”Mizuki: “Oh…. I am Mizuki. I started working here yesterday.”Hiiragi: “Ok, Mizuki. You have a beautiful voice.”Although Hiiragi smiled, Mizuki could not smile well. He could not honestly accept Hiiragi’s complement because Hiiragi was the one who received an honor to be a state guest with his extraordinary voice. Natusme: “Would you mind have a seat on the couch, so that we can clean your room?”Hiiragi: “No problem.”
翌日ミズキが目を覚ますと、何とも言えない気だるさが身体に重く圧しかかっていた。ミズキ:「………痛ッ!」 起き上がろうとすると腰に鈍痛が走り、また頭も一瞬気持ちの悪い浮遊感に見舞われる。 腰の痛みのことは兄弟が苦しんでいたので知っていたが、脳にまで影響がくるとは聞いていない。 やっとのことで起き上がって食堂に行くと、既に朝食が用意されていた。フウ:「ミズキくん………なんか変な感じ」ミズキ:「な、何が?! 出会いがしらにいきなりそんなこと………」
On the next morning when Mizuki woke up, he had unspeakable sickening feeling pressed hard on him. Mizuki: “…..Ouch!”He felt a dull pain on his lower back as he was getting up. And, his head suffered with sick floating sensation for a moment. He knew about the lower back pain as his brothers suffered from it. But, he didn’t know his brain would be affected as well. Finally when he got up and went to the cafeteria, the breakfast was already ready. Fu: “Mizuki…. Something odd about you.”Mizuki: “W,What? Why are you saying? We just met now….”
フウ:「顔色がすっごい悪いのに、やたらサッパリしてるっていうか………」ネム:「うーん、気味悪い?」フウ:「ああ、そんな感じ」ミズキ:「どんな感じだよ!」 なんて会話をしながら食卓に着く。 今日はパンにクリームチーズを塗ってオリーブオイルをかけたものと、玄米シリアルとグレープフルーツだった。ミズキ:「なんだかメニューがめちゃくちゃな気が………」ナツメ:「昨日厨房で喧嘩があったらしくて、そのとき食材がいくらかダメになったんだってさ」
Fu: “You look really pale, but you seem very refreshing….”Nemu: “Well, weird? “Fu: “Yeah, that’s right.” Mizuki: “What is it!”They sat at the table as they were having such conversation.Today’s breakfast was bread with cream cheese and olive oil, brown rice cereal, and grapefruit. Mizuki: “What kind of combination is that....”Natume: “I heard that there was an argument in the kitchen yesterday and they ruined some of the food.”
ネム:「シェフとイタマエが喧嘩したらしいぞ」ハギ:「イタマエが? 厨房で一番温厚な人じゃねぇか」ネム:「イタマエは料理のことになると一番怖いだろ。喧嘩の原因も塩加減ってバカバカしいもんだよ」フウ:「シェフは素材の味を殺さないギリギリまで振るからねぇ。僕はイタマエの料理のほうが好きかな」ハギ:「イタマエは最低限しか振らないじゃねぇか。俺はシェフの料理がいいな。まぁ、食う機会なんざ滅多なことじゃねぇけどよ」
Nemu: “Chef and Itamae (Itamaeは英語でChefとなりますので、この表記での訳分けは難しいです。) had a fight.”Hagi: “That Itamae? He is the calmest person in the kitchen.”Nemu: “He is the scariest person when it comes to cooking. The reason for the fight was about salt. How ridiculous it is!” Fu: “Chef puts salt as much as to the point that is about to kill the natural flavor of the food. I prefer Itamae’s dish.” Hagi: “Itamae only put minimal salt. I prefer Chef’s dish. But, we rarely have a chance to taste it.”
ナツメ:「だから高血圧になるんだよ」ハギ:「うっせぇ!」 笑い合って、ミズキはシリアルの乗ったスプーンを口に運ぶ。ミズキ:「………」 一口、二口と食べていって、ミズキはじっとシリアルの入った器を見詰めた。 言ってしまえば、不味い。 というより、味を感じられなかった。 賞味期限が切れているのか、悪くなった牛乳を使っているのか。 理由はわからないが、美味しく思えないのだ。 周囲をちらりと見るが、誰もそんなことを思っていないふうに食事をしている。
Natsume: “That is why you have high blood pressure.”Hagi: “Shut up!”As they were laughing, Mizuki start eating cereal. Mizuki: “……”After he ate first and second bites, he stared at the cereal bowlTo be honest, it tasted terrible. Or rather, he could not taste it at all. Did they use one that past expiration date or bad milk?For some reason, it didn’t taste good to him. He glanced around him, but they were eating as if no one seemed to have any problem.
ナツメなんて笑顔だ。 昨日のザクロとの行為で疲れてしまったのか、胃に拒絶されている気がする。 無理にでもシリアルだけを食べて、トーストはネムに譲った。ネム:「やっぱお前、調子悪いんじゃねーの? 昨日も食べてなかったろ」フウ:「無理は良くないよ?」 大丈夫だって ちょっとヤバいかも………ミズキ:「大丈夫だって。そういえば、今日の仕事は?」
Natsume was even smiling. The conduct with Zakuro yesterday might make him exhausted. He felt his stomach was refusing. He forced himself to eat cereal and gave the bread to Nemu. Namu: “You must be not feeling well. You didn’t eat yesterday.”Fu: “You shouldn’t push yourself.”He thought it would be ok. Uh… may be not….Mizuki: “I will be fine. So, what’s the today’s work?”
ナツメ:「まずフウと掃除だよ。一応この前と同じヒイラギさんの部屋、王子の執務室、中庭をお願い。その後は下男全員で明日の王様とお妃様の結婚三十周年記念パーティの準備だよ」ミズキ:「りょうかーい」 ミズキは笑ってみせる。 だが、誰も笑い返してはくれなかった。それどころか心配そうな色を強めて、ミズキを見ていた。 それらを無視して、ミズキは部屋に着替えに戻る。
Natume: “First, you go clean with Fu. Do just as the other day, Hiiragi’s room, prince’s office, and courtyard. Then, we, all house boys, will prepare for King and Queen’s the 30th wedding anniversary party tomrrow.”Mizuki: “Ok”Mizuki smiled. But, no one smiled back to him. Instead, they were looking at him even more anxiously. Mizuki ignored that looks and went back to his room to change.
まずはザクロの執務室へ向かった。 途中でフウに「無理しないでいいから」と掃除道具を奪われてしまったため、ミズキはバケツを一つ持っているだけ。 おかげで楽なのだが、申し訳なかった。 フウと肩車をすれば、あの大きな窓も脚立を使わずに手入れできた。ザクロ:「今日はフウとミズキがきたのか」フウ:「ええ、まぁ、色々あって」 フウが乾いた笑いを漏らしながらザクロに返答する。
They first went to Zakuro’s office. On their way, Fu took all cleaning tool, saying “don’t push yourself too hard.” So, Zumiki was only carrying a bucket. Thanks to that, he felt easy, but he also felt sorry for him.He could clean that huge window without using the step when they put one on another’s shoulder. Zakuro:”Looks like Fu and Mizuki are in charge today.”Fu: “Well, something happened.”Fu replied to Zakuro with his dry laugh.
ザクロが少し離れてから訊ねると、フウは「メイド長の機嫌がよかったからナツメくんが回されなかっただけだよ」とため息を漏らした。フウ:「王族の執務室は、本来なら信頼できるメイドじゃないと入れないんだけどね。メイド長がすぐ辞めさせるもんだから人手不足なんだよ」ミズキ:「じゃあ、王族の私室は誰が掃除してるんだ?」フウ:「メイド長さ。メイド長って立場は信頼もないと就けないんだよ」 王族から見たら、マユミは誠実で仕事熱心なのだろう。
When Zakuro walked away Mizuki asked Fu about that. Fu said with sigh “Chief of maid did not put Natsume in charge because she was in good mood.”Fu: “Basically, only trusted maids can enter the offices of royal family. But, we are lack of people because chief of maid makes them leave so quickly.”Mizuki: “So, who cleans private room of royal family?”Fu: “Chief of maid. Only a person who earned trust can be a chief of maid.”To royal family’s eyes, Mayumi looks sincere and a hard worker.
そんな上っ面だけを見て選ばないでほしいと心の奥底で毒吐く。フウ:「上辺だけを見て決めてるようじゃ、人事の人の目も随分衰えてるんだね。お年過ぎて盲(めし)いちゃったのかな?」 どうやらフウも同じようなことを考えていたらしい。 フウの口をついて出た言葉は到底ミズキのそれより厳しいものだったが。 ザクロの部屋の掃除を終わらせて廊下に出ると、フウがナツメに呼ばれてどこかへ行ってしまった。
Mizuki swore in bottom of his heart that they should’ve not picked looking only surface. Fu: “I bet that Human Resource’s eye are getting weak for deciding things only looking at surface. They must be blind for being too old.”Fu was thinking about the same thing although Fu’s words were even way harsher than Mizuki’s. After finishing up the cleaning of Zakuro’s room and getting out the hallway, Natsume called Fu and Fu went to somewhere to help him.
こんにちわ。先日、あなたの商品をebayで購入させていただきました、Junichi Onodaと申します。私は、アメリカの商品を日本で販売する輸入業者をしています。商品がとても良かったので、またあなたから購入したいのですが、購入代金を安くするため、ebayを通さずお取引したいのですが、可能でしょうか?「OptiMate 4」を8個、送料込みで 500ドルでお願いしたいのですが。支払は paypal でお願いします。それでは、ご連絡をお待ちしています。
Hello. I am Junichi Onoda, who purchased your item on eBay the other day.I am in an import business and I sell items imported from the US in Japan.Since your items are wonderful, I would like to purchase from you again. And, I am wondering if we can do business without going through eBay to lower my purchasing cost. I would like to get eight of "OptiMate 4" for U$500, including a shipping fee.I would like to pay via Paypal. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
目の前にある教材をただこなすのと、自分がこれから何を強化するかを意識して勉強するのでは結果がまるで違ってきます。#LangFolio に設定するアイテム名は単なる名称ではなく「CNNでListening強化」など、目的を意識した名称にするといいですね。
The result will be different between just doing the provided material and studying with awareness what you are enhancing. We suggest that the item name to set for #LangFolio should be something like "Enhance listening ability on CNN", which clearly address your purpose, instead of just any name.
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Mizuki: “Well…. In my case, my mom died right after I was born. I have never met my dad. An elder lady in my neighborhood raised me.”Mizuki: “In that lady’s house, there were many other girls and boys, who were in the similar situation as mine. We all lived there like brothers and sisters and it was kind of fun anyway…. But, when the lady died, we all lost our home. Mizuki: “All big and little sisters sold themselves to whorehouses. And, some of brothers went out the country looking for jobs. Even some brothers went to the special whorehouses like sisters. “
Mizuki: “…..All small children who could not do anything died in a few days. Wild dogs ate up their bodies, so there is nothing left. It does not really matter because there is no one to pray for them. I hate to say, but I was struggling to save my life at that time.”Zakuro: “What did you do?”Mizuki: “I did not want to work at the whorehouse. But, there is no job in this country. So, I went out the country. ….. but, for some reason, I could not leave that house for good. I came back once I made enough money to live and I went out again when money ran out. I was doing that over and over.”
ミズキ:「最初は俺以外のヤツらもそういう生活をしてたけど、ヒバは貧民街での罵倒に耐え切れなくて、ウツギ兄さんは国外に恋人ができて………他のみんなも大体そんな感じで、この国に、あの家に未練がなくなって、気付いたら俺一人になってた」胸部がチクリと痛む。 心臓ではないようだった。ザクロ:「………」 痛みによる苦しさが顔に出てしまったらしく、ザクロが少し不安げにミズキの顔を覗き込んできた。 なんとか取り繕うが、うまく表情を変えることができない。言葉すら出なかった。
Mizuki: “At first, others was doing just like me. But, they eventually left that house and this country without regret one by one, like Hiba could not stand the abuse in the poor part of the town and left, Utsugi got a girlfriend outside of the country, and others also left like similar reasons. Then, before I knew it, I was there alone.”Mizuki’s chest pricked. It is not heart. Zakuro: “……”His pain seemed to show on his face and Zakuro looked into Mizuki’s face with worry.Mizuki was trying to hide it, but he could not change his expression. He could not even speak.
ザクロが立ち上がり、ミズキの傍にくる。 だが、顔を上げることができなかった。自分がどんな表情をしているのか、嫌なほどわかっていたからだ。(ミズキを抱きしめるザクロ、驚くミズキ)ミズキ:「………?!」 一瞬、何が起きたのかわからなかった。 ザクロの心音がすぐ近くで聞こえる。常人よりもいくらか早いように思えた。 緊張しているのか? 抱きしめてきたのはそちらなのに。ミズキ:「なっ………に………」ザクロ:「………朝、お前が子供にこうしていただろう」
Zakuro stood up and came by Mizuki.But, Mizuki could not lift his face up because he knew how bad his expression was.(Zakuro held Mizuki and Mizuki was surprised.)Mizuki: “…?!”Mizuki did not understand what happened at first.Mizuki could hear Zakuro’s heartbeat just by him. It seemed a bit faster than normal. Is he nervous even though he started this?Mizuki: “W….What….”Zakuro: “…..You were doing this to a kid this morning.”
ミズキ:「………それだけ?」ザクロ:「………うるさい。子供もだが、泣いている者なんて相手にしたことがない」ミズキ:「俺は子供じゃない! これじゃ、まるで………」ザクロ:「っ、私から見れば子供だ!」ミズキ:「年下ってだけで? じゃあアンタは俺より大人なのか? 泣いてる子供一人なだめられなかったくせに」ザクロ:「ッ………」 ミズキの背中に回っている手が強張る。 顔が見れないためザクロがどんな表情をしているのかわからなかったが、大体の予想はできた。
Mizuki: “ …. Is that all?”Zakuro: “…. Shut up. Not to mention a child, but I never had to take care of person who’s crying.”Mizuki: “I am not a kid!! And, this look like…..”Zakuro: “Shit. You are a kid to me!”Mizuki: “Just because I am younger than you? So, are you matured than I am? You could not even handle one crying child.”Zakuro: “Shit….”Zakuro’s hands, which is around Mizuki’s back, got stiffened. Mizuki could not see Zakuro’s face, but he could imagine his expression.