喜歡撒嬌,希望人家注意他, 渴望被愛,忠於自己的慾望,就是個小孩子。在我看來,像他這種小孩子,就需要像妳這種懂得如何克制慾望的人。------"那小子再怎麼不會看臉色也該有個程度吧...""我怎麼沒看到他們,宇佐見和古白呢?"
He hopes people pay attention to him, wants to be loved, is loyal to his desires, and acts like a child. In my opinion, a child like him, he needs someone like you who know how to restrain the desires of him.------ "That kid should know when to stop no matter how he does not know the looks on others faces...""Why I do not see them, where are Usami and Koshiro?"