We can meet soon, but it's short term or we won't meet long time, but we can live everyday in the future.I desire the latter, even thought don't you want the former?
こんにちはアイテムは、発送済みです。追跡番号 AAAウェブサイト BBBこの製品はAタイプのプラグ 100ボルト仕様ですのであなたの国の電圧等、必ず調べてから ご使用お願いします。電圧変換器 又は 専用アダプター などの購入をお勧めします。電圧がよく分からない時は、連絡してもらえれば、当店で調べます。アイテムの到着までしばらくお待ちください。
Thank you for your continuing support.We sent you the requested product.The Trucking number: AAAThe Website: BBBThis product is a plug of the A type of 100 volts.Please check the available voltages in your country before you use.We suggest that you buy the voltage converter or the dedicated adapter.If you don't know your country's voltages, please make contact with us.We will check that replacing you.Please wait a moment until your product reach to you.
3W LEDを、8~12個直列で利用できる電圧に、調整してほしいです。この場合、追加料金は必要ですか?
We need you regulate voltage of eight to twelve 3-watt LED to connect series circuit. In this case, do we need to pay an additional charge?