YOU (oooooohy) 翻訳実績

4.5 6 件のレビュー
8年弱前 女性 30代
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
oooooohy 英語 → 日本語

Shared vision
New Zealand and Niue have signed a Joint Commitment. This sets out the shared vision of our two governments, the priority areas we're focused on, each countries' responsibilities, and the funding New Zealand will provide.  

7.2 Australia – Niue Aid Partnership
Australia provides aid to Niue through a delegated cooperation arrangement with New Zealand. Australia’s assistance focuses on education, to ensure an educated and productive workforce ready to contribute to economic growth, and on waste management. Australian support to Niue is aligned with the development priorities identified in the Joint Commitment for Development between New Zealand and Niue.





oooooohy 英語 → 日本語

5. The Education System
5.1 The Background of Early Childhood Care & Development: An Educational Perspective
Niue have always put children’s rights at the forefront beginning firstly in the family home. Initially “Child Rights” was never really an issue because children have always been considered as treasures beginning from when mothers’ conceive. In reality due to the very low population every little child added is a national treasure. Niue have always had a very small population of approximately 6000 people in the 70s gradually declining to approximately 1600 people now.
Niueans are New Zealand citizens which is the main reason for the external migration to New Zealand and Australia for more opportunities.



oooooohy 英語 → 日本語 ★★★☆☆ 3.0

Shane Lapsys, a senior product managerat Fab, knows making customers smile
extends beyond great products and a slickwebsite: “As an online retailer, optimizing
our customers’ experience on our site is absolutely key to executing our business
objectives. Our goal is to operate a data driven product and UX strategy where
customer usage and conversion statistics form a cornerstone of our development
process.” Shane and his team strive to offer site visitors a hassle-free shopping experience at every step along the customer funnel. Using Optimizely, Shane decided to
perform a test to gain insight on improving the usability and efficiency of Fab’s online


Fab'sの上級商品マネージャーであるShane Lapsysは、顧客を笑顔にさせる方法を知っており、素晴らしい商品やslicker siteを超えています。「オンライン小売業者として、私たちのサイトでお客様の経験を最大限引き出すことが、私たちの経営目標を達成する絶対的な鍵となる。私たちの目標は、顧客使用量と会話戦略により発展過程の基礎を作るUX戦略と、商品からくるデータを操作することだ。」Shaneや彼のチームは、サイト訪問者にお葬式までのそれぞれの段階で手間のかからないショッピングの経験を提供しようと努力をしています。最適な使用を目指し、ShaneはFeb's オンライン・カタログの有用性や効率性を向上させる見識を得るため、テストを行うことを決めました。

oooooohy 英語 → 日本語

The big question: Do customers better understand a simple and straightforward
“Add to Cart” call-to-action or a stylized cart icon?
HYPOTHESIS: Many customers add products to their cart straight from the catalog
pages, which feature a grid of products by category. To match its slick, no-clutter
catalog page design, customers saw a small, stylized +cart icon when they rolled
over a product on the catalog. They could click it to add something to their cart.
Shane hypothesized that a larger button with a more direct “Add to Cart” call-toaction
would be more straightforward and lead to more conversions.



oooooohy 英語 → 日本語

Visitors to these pages were bucketed into one of three variations. One-third saw the
original call-to-action button, one-third saw a variation with a larger button and clear
call-to-action text, and one-third saw a third variation that combined aspects of both.
“Running an A/B test to divert a portion of our traffic through each of these variations
at the same time allowed us to find the best solution in an unbiased way,” explains Shane.

As well as tracking customer engagement, Shane set up a custom goal using
Optimizely that would track clicks on the “Add to Cart” button itself, which was the
key metric for this test.





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RESULTS: The test had a major impact on “Add to Cart” clicks on Fab. Variation 2
increased conversions by 15% compared to the original and Variation 1, the larger
button with the clear call-to-action text, increased “Add to Cart” clicks by a staggering 49%. To reap the benefits from this insight immediately, Shane used Optimizely’s traffic allocation feature to push 100% of site traffic to the winning variation while Fab’s development team built the change directly into the site’s code. Shane is now closely monitoring changes in “Add to Cart” actions and conversions to develop follow-up tests
that will continue to improve the customer experience.

