And possible support for Niue's National Authorising Officer to ensure effective management of the aid under the country's EDF National Indicative Programme.8.5 Niue & Regional Indicative Programme for the Pacific, 2014 – 2020As part of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP), the Pacific region consists of 15 ACP states spread over an area more than twice the size of Europe. The total population of the region is less than 10 million, with about two thirds residing in Papua New Guinea.
国のEDF国家標示プログラムの下、支援の効果的な運営を確かなものとするため、ニウエ国家認定役員への可能なサポートを行う。8.5 平和に向けたニウエ及び地方標示プログラム 2014年から2020年アフリカ・カリビアン・太平洋グループ諸国(ACP)を一端とし、15のACP国で構成される太平洋地域は、ヨーロッパの大きさの2倍以上の地域に広がった。その地域の人口は1000万人以下で、約3分の2はパプアニューギニアに住んでいる。
Niue International Trust Fund (NITF)In 2006 the governments of Australia, Niue and New Zealand established the Niue International Trust Fund (NITF). The NITF was set up to provide a long-term, dependable revenue stream for the Niue Government, encourage self-reliance and decrease dependency on official development assistance. Australia has contributed approximately $7.5 million to the Trust Fund. Objective 1: Waste managementAustralia will work with the governments of Niue and New Zealand to identify priority needs in waste management in response to the challenges of increasing volumes of waste generated by the growing number of tourists and visitors to the islands every year.
Objective 2: EducationAustralia has funded the construction of a new school in Niue which will significantly improve the quality and safety of education in Niue, and will also function as a shelter for the local community in extreme weather events. Construction of the school was completed in November 2015 and opened in January 2016. Further support to the education sector in Niue will be delivered through our delegated cooperation agreement with New Zealand. The results Economic developmentAustralia provided input into the management of the Niue International Trust Fund (NITF), through representation on the NITF Board.
目的 2:教育オーストラリアはニウエの新しい学校の建設に資金を提供しました。学校の建設によりニウエの教育の質や安全性は大きく向上し、また学校は異常気象の際に地域コミュニティの避難所として機能します。学校の建設は2015年11月に完了し、2016年1月に開校します。ニュージーランドの委任協力同盟を通じ、ニウエ教育部門へのさらなる支援を行います。 経済発展の結果オーストラリアはNITF委員会の代表を通じて、ニウエ国際信用基金(NITF)の運営に資金を提供しました。
The Trust Fund aims to provide the Government of Niue with an additional source of revenue to cushion the effects of economic shocks. Australia has contributed approximately $7.5 million to the NITF. Water and infrastructureAustralia improved the Niue Government’s delivery of water and electricity services through the placement of technical advisors under the Pacific Technical Assistance Mechanism (PACTAM).Australia funded the Niue component of the Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change Program (PACC), implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP).
PACC helped to improve household water security through the installation of rainwater tanks. EducationConstruction of Niue’s new primary school was completed in November 2015. The design incorporates future climate and disaster considerations, and the school is being built to withstand severe storms and will double as an evacuation centre.Over $4.2 million was committed to the design and construction of the school. The management and oversight of the construction stage has been delegated to New Zealand.This was the first step in Australia’s strategy to transition towards a long-term delegated cooperation arrangement with New Zealand to support the education sector, signed in June 2014.
Between 2006 and 2013, Australia provided more than six times the amount of aid than China ($6.8 billion compared with $1.1 billion) to Pacific nations. 7.4 China – Niue Aid PartnershipChina is on track to overtake Japan as the third largest donor to Pacific Island nations. In some countries. Since 2006 China has provided $1.4 billion in foreign aid to eight Pacific Island countries - the Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), Fiji, Niue, Papua New Guinea (PNG), Samoa, Tonga, and Vanuatu. In addition to its bilateral aid program and support for regional organizations, China also provides scholarships for Pacific Islands students and significant human resources training for government officials.
China provides aid in the form of grants and concessional loans. Concessional loans have become a dominant feature of China's aid to the Pacific since 2006, accounting for almost 80 percent of the total aid provided. Many of these loans have been used to build infrastructure, such as roads and hospitals.China to fund Niue road jobThe reconstruction of Niue's roads is to be paid for with Chinese aid money. The island's premier Sir Toke Talagi said engineers and consultants from China have been on the island preparing for the fix-up which would cost nearly $US14 million ($US13.86). China will start work on the roads in December next year.
中国は助成金や無利子貸付の形で支援をしています。2006年以降、無利子貸付が中国から太平洋の国々への援助の主な特徴となり、提供される援助額の合計のうち80パーセント近くを占めています。これらの融資の多くは、道路や病院などのインフラ整備に使われてきました。ニウエ道路建設への中国の融資ニウエの道路再建費用は、中国の支援金で支払う予定です。ニウエ首相のToke Talagi氏は、「中国からエンジニアやコンサルタントがニウエに派遣され、1400USドル(1386USドル)近くかかる修正の準備をしている」と述べた。中国は来年の12月に道路再建にとりかかります。
The replacement of the island's water reticulation system projected to cost about $US1.4 million. Niue is hoping to sign a deal with the Chinese government by mid-year to have the island's badly potholed ring road fixed up. The head of Niue's SOE Group Wayne Harris-Daw said it was a $US20 million job as the roads have not been touched for 18 years. He said the Chinese government would put the job out to tender to Chinese firms and the selected contractor would bring in labour but use local materials. Niue has no interest in loans
ニウエの水道細毛化システムの取替えは、USドルで約140百ドルかかると予想されています。ニウエは今年度の中旬までに、島のひどくでこぼこの環状道路を修理するため中国政府と契約したいと望んでいます。ニウエSOEグループの会長であるWayne Harris-Daw氏は、道路は18年間手を加えていないため、USドルで200百ドルかかったと述べました。また中国政府は中国の会社に配慮するため仕事を委託するだろう。選ばれた建設業者は仕事をもたらすが、中国の材料を使うだろうと述べました。ニウエはローンに興味はありません。
Premier Toke Talagi said Niue had managed to pay off up to US$4m of debt and had “no interest” in borrowing again, especially from big powers such as China that had offered the country “huge sums that other Pacific islands find too tempting to resist”.We are trying to live within our means using the island’s natural resources such as tourism, bananas and exporting water,” Talagi told the Guardian.On 1 December the pension for Niueans would rise from US$250 a fortnight to US$272, Talagi said – an increase of just under 9%. The government was also aiming to increase public servants’ wages in the next three to five years, to reach 80% of New Zealand rates.
首相のToke Talagiは、ニウエはなんとかして負債のうちの400百USドルを完済し、特に中国のような他の太平洋の国々に魅力的で断るとがてきないほど多額の資金を提供するような大きな力を持った国から、利子負担なしで再び借りることができた、と述べました。また私たちは観光業、バナナや水の輸出など国の天然資源を使い、国の資源で生計を立てようとしている。とTalagiはガーディアン紙に述べた。12月1日、ニウエの人々に支給する年金は、2週間に250USドルから272USドルーつまり9%以下の増加となるだろう、とTalag氏は言いました。また政府はニュージーランドの80%に達するよう、3年から5年にかけて公務員の賃金を上げようとしています。
In August, Niue announced that parents of new babies born on the island would be granted a one-off payment of US$1,437 – a move Talagi hoped would tempt young islanders to come home and start families. 8. Niue & International Organizations8.1 Niue & United NationsNiue is not a member of the United Nations. It generally complies with international AML/CFT standards, and AML/CFT legislation includes the 2004 United Nations Sanctions Regulations (Terrorism Suppression and Afghanistan Measures). Two bills are currently being debated by the Niue Assembly which would help form the basis for Niue to be in a position to ratify conventions on money laundering and financing of terrorism.
8月、ニウエは島で新たに子供を出産した家庭に1,437米ドルの一時給付金を支給するつもりだと表明した。talagi氏はこれにより若い島人が戻り、家庭を作ることを期待している。8.ニウエと国際機関8.1 ニウエと国連ニウエは国連のメンバーではない。ニウエは概ね国際AML/CFT基準や2004年の国連制裁規制(テロ抑制やアフガニスタン対策)を含むA/CFT法に従っている。2つの法案は現在、ニウエ議会によって議論されている。議会は、ニウエがマネーロンダリングやテロリズムへの資金提供に関する協定を、批准する立場のベースを作る手助けをするつもりだ。
The Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters (Amendment) Bill and the Terrorism Suppression and Transnational Crime (Amendment) Bill form part of a suite of legislation amending the AML/CFT legislative framework that is expected to pass by 2015.Niue wants to be a member of the United Nations.The Premier, Toke Talagi, told Niueans at an event marking Constitution Day, that it was time for the country to have a vote at the world body.Niue is in free association with New Zealand; its citizens are also New Zealand citizens and New Zealand generally handles foreign affairs issues, including representing the island at the UN.
刑事事件の相互支援法案(法改正)やテロリズム制圧及び国境犯罪法案(法改正)は、2015年までに成立すると期待されるAML/CFT法の基盤を改正する一連の法案の一部を構成する。二ウエは国連のメンバーになることを望んでいる。首相のToke Talagi氏は、憲法記念日を祝うイベントで、我が国が国連で投票権を持つ時だとイウエの人々に語りかけた。ニウエはニュージーランドと自由連合を結んでおり、ニウエ市民はニュージーランド市民でもある。そのためニュージーランドは国連で島の代表を務め、外交問題も次第に取り扱っている。
Child Rights in EducationEvery child has the right to education. In the Niue Education Act 1989 it is against the law to deny any child the right to education. 5.3 Current SystemsThere are two distinct phases in early childhood education in Niue.Early Childhood Development (ECD) is a programme for children from birth to 3.8 years old. Early Childhood Care and Education is the next phase for children from 3.9 to 5 years old. School CurriculumIn 1995 the Niue government officially approved and endorsed the use of the New Zealand curriculum for its education system.
The only two schools Niue Primary School and Niue High School have been using this curriculum up to the present day. In line with this curriculum capital punishment in schools was abolished.5.3.1 Early Childhood Development (ECD) <3 Years and 8 monthsThere are four village play centres located evenly around the 13 villages on Niue. These are non-government organisations and funding is from parents’ weekly donations, local businesses, New Zealand High Commission, niuean families abroad and visitors. All mothers with young babies or children are actively encouraged to bring their children along with themselves to these play centres for 1 day a week from 9.30am until 12 noon.
ニウエにある2つの学校、ニウエ小学校とニウエ高校は今日に至るまでこのカリキュラムを使用している。カリキュラムに則り学校での極刑が廃止された。5,3.1幼児教育開発(ECD) <3年8ヶ月ニウエには13つの村の周りに均等に配置された4つのビレッジ・プレー・センターがある。このセンターは非政府組織で、週一回の保護者からの寄付金や地域ビジネス、ニュージーランド高等弁護団、海外に住むニウエ人家族、そしてニウエに訪れる人々から資金を集めている。幼い赤子や子供を持つ全ての母親は、週に一度、朝9時半から12時まで子供をプレー・センターに積極的に連れてくるよう推奨される。
Activities and lessons are organised and carried out by the pastors’ wives with retired teachers, grandparents and volunteers along with attending mothers. The focus is mainly to give the young children an early start into education before they attend the early childhood centre at 3.9 Years old.
5.3.2 Early Childhood Education Centre (ECCE) 3Years 9 months to 5YearsThis is under the umbrella of the Niue Primary School which is government funded. ECCEhave adopted the Te Whariki New Zealand curriculum with its philosophy: “To grow up as confident, competent learners and communicators, healthy in Mind, Body and Spirit, secure in their sense of belonging and in the knowledge that they make a valued contribution to the school and society.”The curriculum has been contextualised to suit the unique situation on Niue and the students’ learning needs and environment inside and outside the classroom.
5.3.2 3歳9ヶ月から5歳までを対象とする幼児教育センター(ECCE)このセンターは、政府が設立したニウエ小学校の傘下に入っている。ECCEは下記の哲学に基づき、ニュージーランドのカリキュラム"ate Whariki"を採用した。「自信に溢れ、有能な学習者そして伝達者となり、思考、身体、精神共に健康で、帰属感と知識を持ち、学校や社会に価値ある貢献をする人になること」カリキュラムはニウエ特有の状況や児童の学習要求、教室の中および外の環境に合わせ改訂された。
Inclusive EducationThere are equitable learning opportunities for learning, irrespective of gender, ability, age, ethnicity or background. All children are encouraged to learn with and alongside others.Language of InstructionThe first language is Vagahau Niue in ECD and ECCE ad second is English for our nonspeaking Niuean friends. Other ethnicities cultures are acknowledged through singing, dancing, welcoming phrases, morning prayers and poetry. ResourcesAlong with the New Zealand Curriculum Framework, the Education Act, the Education Department working with the ECCE and Niue Primary School have developed a number of contextualised handbooks to further enhance the learning developments of all children.
These are:• Early Childhood Development Handbook (ECD) for village play centres• Early Childhood Education Handbook (ECCE)• Creche Handbook• Inclusive Education policy• ECE operation guidelines5.3 Education & HealthcareECE play centres have their own regular check-ups by a health nurse. ECCE have an annual full health check-up carried out by the Health Department at the beginning of every school year. Parents and guardians of children that were identified with medical problems will be notified that their children will need further diagnosis/treatment at the Hospital at a later convenient time. Note that parental consent is sought prior to any health check-up.
Children that were identified with inherited genetic conditions, hearing and visual impairments and physical/mental disabilities will have special educational programmes designed to cater for their learning needs.Health Promoting SchoolsPhysical activity programmes as well as healthy nutritious diets are actively encouraged inECD and ECCE. Children are taught early about good foods to eat and how much to eat and why should they eat more of certain types while avoiding fatty and sugary diets. This is evident in little children educating adults at special school assemblies and activities where parents and government officials were invited to join.
5.4 The Education StatisticsEducation in Niue is provided for free by the Government of Niue to all children attending Primary and Secondary schools. It is compulsory to all children from the age of 4 to 16.There are four formal education institutions in Niue which caters for the (prescribed) educational needs of the Niue people as oppose to numerous non-formal learning institutes.
5.4 教育統計政府の援助により、ニウエでは全ての子供たちが無償で小学校、中学校に通い教育を受けることができます。 4歳から16歳までは義務教育です。ニウエには、数多くある非公式の学習施設とは対照的に、人々の教育的ニーズ(規定の)に応える4つの公式学習施設があります。
7. Foreign Aid for Niue7.1 New Zealand – Niue Foreign Aid PartnershipThe New Zealand Aid Programme in Niue focuses on economic sustainability, mainly through developing the tourism industry and helping the Niue Government to become more self-reliant. We are Niue's largest funder.Under the Niue Constitution, New Zealand provides necessary economic and administrative assistance, and is responsible for Niue's defence and surveillance of its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).Total aid to Niue is made up of programme funding for activities specific to Niue, as well as other funding which can include scholarships, regional initiatives, activities supported through the Partnerships Fund, and humanitarian response.
7.ニウエへの対外支援7.1 ニュージーランド・ニウエ対外支援パートナーシップニウエのニュージーランド支援プログラムは経済の持続可能性に重点をおいています。主に観光産業を発展させ、ニウエ政府がより自立できるよう支援をしています。ニュージーランドはニウエにとって最大の資金提供国です。ニウエ憲法のもと、ニュージーランドは必要な経済・行政支援を行い、排他的経済水域(EEZ)の防衛・監視の責任を負います。ニウエへの資金援助は、ニウエに特化した資金活動プログラム、奨学金、地方イニチアティブ、パートナーシップ資金やヒューマニタリアン・リスポンスを通じた支援活動で成り立っています。