What's the cheapest you could sell it for? Also, do you still have the original wrapper? Does it have the brown paper that holded this card and the white paper with Japanese words?
販売価格の最安値はいくらですか? あと、まだオリジナル包装のものはありますか? 茶色い紙で、このカードと日本語入りの白い紙が付いていますか?
Hi. I see you have a good track record. Please can you tell me if the ravage usb you have for sale is the official release from takara device label? Many thanks
こんにちは。あなたは素晴らしい実績をお持ちのようですね。販売しているRavage のUSBはTakara Device Labelの公式リリースのものか、教えてもらえますか? どうぞよろしくお願いします。
Hi There,Item has reached the UK however the postoffice have held this and want us to pay £16.09 for customs fee which we were not aware of at the time of purchase. Therefore as the total cost come up to too high, we no longer require this item.Please advise on how to proceed.
I was wondering if you were able to quote me on a Fujifilm product. I was looking at the Fujifilm Instax Mini Film Plain (2-packs) as our stores here in Toronto, Canada, mainly sells their Instax products. Our previous supplier from Korea is no longer in business and we are in search of a new supplier. Currently, I am looking at approximately 600 of the 2-packs. I would greatly appreciate it if you can quote me on the Instax Films. Thank you.
富士フイルム製品の見積もりを頂くことはできますでしょうか? カナダのトロントに店舗で富士フイルムのインスタックス製品をメインに扱っているので、Fujifilm Instax Mini Film Plain (2パック入り)を探していました。前に付き合いのあった韓国のサプライヤーとは取引をしなくなっており、新たなサプライヤーを探しています。現在、2パックのものを600ほど探しています。インスタックスのフィルム見積もりをお送りいただければ、本当に幸いです。よろしくお願いします。
・Rugged steel construction, Black granite finish withstands temperatures up to 300 degrees・Includes: 1 quart boiling pot with lid, 1 1/2 quart boiling pot with lid, 1 fry pan and 2 plastic cups・Durable non-stick finish makes cooking and clean up a breeze・Hand wash in mild soapy water, avoid metal scrubbers・Mesh carry bag for easy transportationRugged steel construction, Black granite finish withstands temperatures up to 300 degreesIncludes: 1 quart boiling pot with lid, 1 1/2 quart boiling pot with lid, 1 fry pan and 2 plastic cupsDurable non-stick finish makes cooking and clean up a breezeHand wash in mild soapy water, avoid metal scrubbersMesh carry bag for easy transportation
I charge $.25 less per gun for 36 pcs. than 30 pcs. That price stays same until 72 pcs.The shipping is about the same per box of 6, maybe a few dollars less, but not much.How are they selling for you? Very hot item this summer and I have many in stock right now.Thanks again,John
銃36個について、一つにつき0.25ドルを割引します。30個以上で適用です。72個まで、同じ割引です。発送料もひと箱6つで大体一緒です。もしかするともう数ドル安いかもしれませんが、それほど高額にはなりません。彼らはどのようにあなたに販売していますか? この夏かなりアツいアイテムです。今は在庫がたくさんあります。またよろしくお願いします。ジョン
Folding Saw・Convenient folding design for easy packing and storing・7" blade・Cuts on the reverse and forward strokes・Lightweight and compact・The Coleman Folding Saw features a 7-inch blade that cuts on the reverse and forward strokes both, for efficient sawing. Lightweight and compact, the Saw folds up for safe packing and storage.・The handle is made of plastic and it does not "lock" when closed - which means it could open while stored in a backpack, etc. The locking is done when it is extended out. The locking clasp bent when I first tried to lock the blade in place. After it locked it seemed secure. The blade is flimsy and seems it could easily break if stressed while cutting. The blade is very sharp though.
折りたたみのこぎり・便利な折りたたみデザインで簡単に携帯・保管ができます。・刃渡り7インチ・押し引きでカット・軽量でコンパクト・The Coleman Folding Sawの特徴は、押しても引いても切れる7インチの刃で伐採にはうってつけ。軽量でコンパクト、こののこぎりは折りたたむことができ、携帯や保存に便利です。・握り部分はプラスチックで作られており、閉じているときには「ロック」がかかりません。つまり、リュックサック等に入れているときに開くことがあります。ロックは、刃がしっかりと引き出されたときにかかります。初めてもとの場所にブレードをロックしようとしたとき、ロックする留め具を曲げます。ロック後は、安全なように見えました。刃は薄っぺらく、切っている最中に力が掛かると簡単に折れてしまいそうに見えます。ですが、刃は非常に鋭いです。
Samsung is joined by LG Display, which has also been "consistently increasing its supply to Apple," according to ETNews. Competition between Samsung and LG in supplying panels to Apple is expected to further intensify with the anticipated launches of multiple new products this fall.Reliable analyst Ming-Chi Kuo indicated in April that apparent yield issues in building 7.9-inch Retina displays for a new iPad mini have prevented Apple from manufacturing a next-generation device. Kuo doesn't expect that a second-generation iPad mini with Retina display will arrive until October of this year, or a full year after the launch of the first iPad mini.
ETNewsによると、SamsungはLG Displayと提携し、LGは「一貫して、Appleへの供給を増産していくそうです。この秋に予想される数点の新製品の発売を控え、Appleにパネルを供給するSamsungとLG間の競争はさらに激化すると思われます。この情報に詳しいのアナリストMing-Chi Kuo氏は、新しいiPad mini用のRetinaの7.9インチディスプレイ製造における生産数水増し問題は、Appleの次世代デバイス製造を妨げている、と4月に示唆しました。Kuo氏は、Retinaディスプレイ搭載の第二世代iPad miniは今年の10月に間に合わず、最初のiPad miniの発売から丸1年後だろう、と予想しています。
MelonFriends Targets Overseas Chinese, Combines Twitter, Facebook and Weibo in One AppIf you’ve got friends all over the globe, those buddies are probably scattered across not just lots of nations but also several social media services. It’s even more fragmented if you’re an overseas Chinese, working or studying far from home, as your new workmates or classmates are using stuff that’s blocked in China – like Twitter and Facebook. To bring all these sites, conversations, messages, and buddies together is a new app that launches today called MelonFriends.
Launched initially just on Android, MelonFriends brings Sina Weibo and Renren into the mix with Twitter and Facebook. You can choose to view those streams separately, or aggregate them into one.It’s a nice idea, though it comes at a time when lots of people are using apps like Whatsapp or WeChat for more and more communication. MelonFriends designer Duan Tingliang – based with the three-man ‘Melon Sail’ startup team in Singapore – tells us that the idea of the app is to keep the group dynamic alive:
当初はAndroid用として始まったMelonFriendsは、WeiboやRenrenを、TwitterとFacebookを一つに混ぜ合わせた。これらのストリームを別々に表示するか、まとめて表示するかを選ぶことができる。多くの人がWhatsappやWeChatといったアプリでさらにコミュニケーションを取る時代に登場したにしても、素晴らしいアイデアであることに変わりはない。シンガポールの3人体制のスタートアップチーム「Melon Sail」を活動拠点にしているMelonFriendsのデザイナーDuan Tingliang氏によれば、このアプリのアイデアがグループの動きを活発に保つという。
The core feature for MelonFriends is to help overseas Chinese to manage their social network connections across China (Renren, Weibo) and overseas (Facebook and Twitter). So the usage of MelonFriends is very different from WeChat and such messaging focused apps. In a nutshell, WeChat is focusing on one-to-one communication with friends (which can be in China or overseas) while MelonFriends is focusing on the sharing, interacting, and managing of one’s entire network of friends. But there are opportunities in the one-to-one messaging business that are worth exploring in future.
To keep the conversations flowing, MelonFriends will add in interest-based ‘channels’ at a later date that work across different social networks. A social shopping/gifting service is also in the works. Duan explains:
"The entire album came together as a result of us wanting to do something different," affirms Bradley. "We didn't want to make another weird IWABO album or whatever people were expecting. We set out to make something different and better than anything we've ever released. It's a more evolved version of the band. We explored new styles and genres as well—especially in terms of the more spacey, epic, and beautiful parts. It's got the most melodic moments of our career as well as the heaviest."
5 Customer Service Tips for StartupsMichael is the vice president and Asia Pacific managing director at cloud-based customer service software provider, Zendesk.We all know that customer service is important. Large global companies like Apple and Amazon are renowned for their customer service, and their customer retention is a testament to that. This is all well and good for companies with millions to spend on customer service, you may say, but where does that leave startups with small budgets and limited resources?Below are five tips on how to maximise your customer service and keep those customers happy:
1. Recognize customer service valueFirst and foremost, successful startups recognise early on that customers are at the core of their business and should be treated with respect. A recent study of the long term impact of customer service experience conducted by Dimensional Research for Zendesk 1, looked at the good, the bad and the ugly of customer service. This research found that customer service has a dramatic impact on buying behaviour, with participants ranking customer service as the number one factor impacting vendor trust.
1、顧客サービスの価値を認識するまず、成功しているスタートアップというのは早くから「顧客こそがビジネスの中核であり、敬意を持って扱わねばならない」と認識している。顧客サービスが長期に及ぼす影響について、Dimensional ResearchがZendesk1の依頼により先ごろ、良い、悪い、セコい顧客サービスを調査した。この研究により、顧客サービスは購買行動に劇的な影響を与えることが分かった。参加者は、販売者との信頼関係にもっとも影響を与える要因として、顧客サービスを一位にランクインさせた。
The survey showed that good customer service results in increased personal and business purchases (with 62 percent of business-to-business and 42 percent of business-to-consumer customers having purchased more after a good customer service experience) while bad customer service drives customers to find alternatives (with 66 percent of B2B and 52 percent of B2C customers having stopped buying after a bad customer service interaction).If a customer contacts you, they want you to respond quickly, sympathetically and effectively. That’s what drives high customer satisfaction.
2. Respond quicklyGetting back to customers as quickly as possible is imperative. You don’t need an immediate solution but you do need to acknowledge that you are working on it. Our research showed that customer service experiences are judged more on the timeliness of the interaction than on the final outcome (69 percent attributed their good customer service experience to quick resolution of their problem while 72 percent blamed their bad customer service interaction on having to explain their problem to multiple people).
3. Act like the big guysThe key for startups is to behave like large-scale successful enterprises and adopt a mindset that says customer service is a profit centre in your business. Manage your customer service simply, effectively and affordably, and you’ll usually notice you gain an edge on the competition in the process.Traditionally, customer service has been seen very much as a cost centre for any company rather than a profit centre. Smart startups recognise that they can use technology to not only improve customer service experience across all channels but that they can use it to turn customers into happy customers, and even advocates.
4. Embrace social mediaWith so many people on Twitter, Facebook and other social media tools, it is important to use these channels as another avenue for interactions with your customer. Offering customer service through the channels that your customers want to use, rather than the channels you want to use, can be an excellent way to deliver great customer service.
Our research showed that social media and review sites are providing increased awareness of customer service experiences (45 percent share bad customer service experiences and 30 percent share good customer service experiences via social media), and these stories influence the purchases of others (88 percent have been influenced by an online customer service review when making a buying decision).