Emiko Tashima (nikopun) 翻訳実績

英語 日本語 (ネイティブ)
nikopun 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

-  Realise that we have been thinking, feeling and behaving like spoilt financial teenagers who didn’t have good parents around to respect money
-  We have relied on others and now we need to grow up
-  Each of must say – I have been acting like a sheep or child and acting like 
the world owes me a job and I can spend like crazy and I don’t have to 
face it
-  We need maturity – take back your power
-  Take responsibility for your own life 
What do I need to do?
-  You can’t let people make your decisions for you
-  You can’t let them set up the system and not question it
-  Get your hands on assets that grow in value and stop wasting your money 
in liabilities
-  Create value for other people


・あなた自身の人生に対し責任をとりなさい 何をする必要があるのか考えなさい