My cost on the Legos is 217.50 before shipping. These typically cost 12-20 to ship in US. I would be willing to go to 275 per item for the remaining inventory I have. Outside of eBay. I still want to use paypal. Assuming you want to have items shipped to CA and you care for international shipping. I can check on wholesaler purchases. If I can find a wholesaler in the future I'm willing to make an agreement on cost plus type arrangement on wholesale product. What type of volume are you thinking monthly?This is a side job for me so not looking to take on too much without it being worth my time.
Through the Shopin WeChat account, you’ll also be able to track delivery status or return goods.Not only in the store, Shopin will make good info available on posters at various places, subway stations, bus stops, enterprises or schools so that passers-by will be able to scan QR codes next to those goods and make purchases.