kaory (kaory) 翻訳実績

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For technology, intellectual property laws are so lax that anyone can take and use someone else’s technology. And users? Tencent already controls 717 Million active QQ users and 100 Million Weixin users. So it’s no wonder China prefers to make and America prefers to buy.

Perhaps the one advantage for start-ups in China to compete against big tech companies is if they are totally original and not a clone of anything. Of course you must be wondering if non-clones exist in China. In fact they do but they are rare. Take Douban for example. It is one of China’s most original and successful social networks.




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Still focusing on health and fitness, James’ 2nd application was also released, named Being on Diet While Eating (边吃边瘦). It extends the idea of photo sharing: you take a photo of what you are eating, type in the name of food, then you will be told the amount of calorie in it. By doing that every time you are eating, you will be able to monitor daily health as the application can return your analysis and suggestion based on the records. The photos of food and the amount of calories in it can be shared on social media too, so that being on diet can be more fun.

The team of 4jia1 is based in Nanjing, and has received a angel fund from iCamp and STEFG.




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While it’s hard to beat Microsoft, Russia’s Nginx did it. The lightweight, high-performance web server, reverse proxy and e-mail proxy software provider Nginx is the #2 web server software on the Web, behind only Apache. Founded by one of Russia’s leading online portals, Rambler‘s engineer Igor Sysoev, Nginx raised $3 million from BV Capital, MSD Capital and Runa Capital to make its free web server a commercial success.


Funded by Moscow and Berlin-based Runa Capital, a California and Russia-based Jelastic offers Java hosting platform-as-a-service (PaaS). Having just become commercially available in Europe and the US, Jelastic PaaS significantly saves costs for Java application customers.



マイクロソフトを打ち負かすことは困難であるが、ロシアのNginxはやり遂げている。軽量かつ高性能なウェブサーバーであり、リバースプロキシやメールプロキシのソフトウェアプロバイダーであるNginxは、Apacheのシェアにせまる唯一のもので第2のウェブサーバーソフトウェアである。ロシア有数のオンラインポータルでRamblerのエンジニアが運営するIgor Sysoevの1つとして設立されたNginxは、BV Capital、MSD Capital、Runa Capitalから300万ドルの資金を調達してフリーウェブサーバーを商業的に成功に導いた。


モスクワとベルリンを拠点とするRuna Capitalにより設立された、カリフォルニアとロシアを拠点に持つJelasticは、Javaホスティングのplatform-as-a-service (PaaS)を提供している。ヨーロッパとアメリカで実用化されており、Jelastic PaaSを導入するとJavaアプリケーションユーザーはコストを大きく削減できる。

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Is China’s E-commerce Market Growing Too Fast?

Two days ago, I wrote about how “China Wants US$2.8 Trillion E-Commerce Sales by 2015, But Please Stop Bleeding Money First!” I highlighted how China’s rapid development through the internet has superseded the ability to manage and control it. Although higher internet penetration leads to higher sales, it doesn’t mean higher profits. Many famous e-commerce players are still struggling to become sustainably profitable. Li Guoqing, DangDang’s CEO berated 360Buys ability to do e-commcerce as “bullshit” and said for every dollar they earn, they spend four.



2日前に、「中国ではeコマースの売り上げを2015年までに2兆8000億米ドルにしようしているが、あわててお金を使うのは止めてほしい」と書いたばかりだ。中国はインターネットを使って急速に発展しきたが、どのようにeコマースを管理しコントロールしていく能力をだめにしてきたのかということに光を当てている。インターネットが大きく普及するにつれ売り上げ増につながっているが、利益が増えるというわけではない。大手eコマースサイトでも、利益を継続して出すことにいまだに苦労しているところも多い。DangDangのCEOであるLi Guoqing氏は、360Buyのeコマースの経営を「でたらめ」だと痛烈に非難している。1ドル稼ぐのに4ドル使っているという。

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Goocus Helps Users Discover Wikipedia Content Socially

Japan-based startup, Castalia, has launched Goocus today. It’s a social Wikipedia reader app for iOS and Android which helps users discover Wikipedia content in a social way. If you’re a frequent Wikipedia reader, this app could be an awesome add-on to your mobile.

Goocus allows users to follow other users to find out what they are reading on Wikipedia. Content is discovered based on social connections. Any users of Goocus can also leave a comment or note on any Wikipedia page (just within the Goocus app, of course) which results in accumulated knowledge generated by users.





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Note that I’m in Tokyo, and my colleagues Steven and Charlie are both in China. First I had to proceed to Cacoo’s website, specifically launch-hangouts.cacoo.com. From there I could launch the Hangouts session, and invite Steven and Charlie to join. First I had to authorize the Cacoo app with my Google account (as did Steven and Charlie), but from there it was pretty smooth sailing.

We quickly made a little chart of our TechInAsia contributor structure (see below). This is not really complete or anything, so apologies to our great contributors in Thailand, India, and elsewhere. But you get the idea. We could all add items at the same time, and in a few moments we had a very simple chart.




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Alternatively, the seller can pass the customer a unique code, say abc123, which the customer will then key into an ibon machine to generate a receipt. The 7-Eleven counter will then charge the customer based on the receipt and then transfer the payment to the seller. Once the seller receives the money, he/she will ship the product directly to the customer.

Of course, consumers can also opt to pay through rival Family Mart, another smaller chain of convenience stores. Somehow these stores have become a logistics and payment partner for e-commerce stores in Taiwan. We saw this yesterday with the events and ticketing startup Accupass.


