paranormal activity
1 スムーズで的確な受付業務2 施設内の経費削減に努力する3 リピーターを増やすさらに気配りできるように勤めたいです
1 Smooth and appropriate reception2 Strive for the cost down in the facility3 Increase the regular customersI would like to be always attentive.
Because they are more economically secure, they do not need many children to help support the family. Furthermore, these parents can afford better health care so the infant mortality rate is low. Thus, in affluent families, children are healthier, receive better education, and have better career options. Not surprisingly, data shows that these families have fewer children on average. Germany and Japan are examples of affluent societies with low birth rates.
The story at this newspaper website please:
この新聞に掲載のストーリーは次のウェブサイトでご覧になれます: (日→英とありますが、英→日で良かったでしょうか?)
Im looking forward 2 go 2 Tokyo n Kyoto!It's a school excursion.I cant wait until day after 2morrow.
We can surely say that Japan had grown to a prosperous society. But there are some aspects which should be improved.
The role of the government grew up in the twentieth century, and it began to be called "an administrative state".
If you cannot go to school or will be late, you should inform it to school as soon as possible.
Hello, this is xxx. (「いつもお世話になっております」に該当するあいさつ文は英語ではほとんど見ません)Today we have duly sent you the product xxx ordered by you on xx,xx, 2009. (日付はアメリカ式ならOctober 8, 2009、イギリス式なら8th October 2009) We apologize sincerely for our late delivery and for the trouble caused to you.(「まことに申し訳ございませんでした」はあえて省きました。外国ではこちらに明白な過失がない限り、めったなことではsorryとかapologizeなどの謝罪の言葉は書きません。納品が遅れたのなら一度だけalopogizeと言えば十分と思います)Now we are investigating the cause of this delay, and we will take care so that we should not delay in the delivery. Thank you for your kind comprehension.We look forward to your continued business in the future.Sincerely yours,xxx(名前)
Women who have big breasts / glamorous women
The issue of this license shall not be deemed to remove or dispense with any legal disability.
I would like to hear from you about the agreement which may be renewed in November.
I would like to change the schedule of the next lesson, because I have got a urgent work. I prefer the 13th day, at any time. Thank you for your kind cooperation in advance.
See if there is anything special they would like you to do for them, or anything you should avoid.
Inquire about whether they have a spiritual leader who should be called.