2OS:機動到達災害現場,將災害現場畫面傳回災害應變中心OS:救災處置,新北市災害應變中心指揮官指揮各編組執行受困救生、 疏散撤離、收容安置及妥善處理各項災情OS:災情勘查:市府一級長官視察各地災害情形 OS:新北市災害應變中心堅守崗位,捍衛新北市的每一位市民, 守護全民的幸福、安全OS:為新北市民打造一個安全、安居、安心的城市OS:救災全方位,應變零時差OS:城市的守護者,新北市災害應變中心Super:新北市災害應變中心 保護您
OS: Mobile crews arrive the scene of disaster, and send the scene back to the Emergency Operation Center. OS: Emergency handling, Commanders of New Taipei City Emergency Operation Center are assigned into groups to execute life saving, evacuation, sheltering, and handle all kinds of disaster situations.OS: Investigate the disaster situation: chefs of the city hall investigate the disaster situation of all areas.OS: New Taipei City Emergency Operation Center stick to the posts, protect every citizen of New Taipei City. We guard our citizens's happiness and safety. OS: Comprehensive life saving, and no time gap in straining.OS: Guardian of the city, New Taipei City Emergency Operation Center.Super: New Taipei City Emergency Operation Center protects you.
OS:進駐後,隨即由市長主持工作會報,並召開情資研判會議對應情勢OS:協力機構及市府專技人員組成情資研判團隊,平時即守視天氣狀況, 災時天氣分析師進駐預測OS:颱風侵襲路徑OS:降雨及強度預估OS:並輔助指揮官進行研判、應變與執行各項作業,包括OS:超前部署,預置抽水機、重機械集結部署及易致災區超前封橋封路OS:災情查報,警政、民政及消防等各單位防災專員災情查通報機制OS:災情監控,運用EMIS災害應變資訊系統24小時追蹤案件處置結果
OS: After stationed, the mayor will be briefed about the current status immediately and will held a symposium to discuss about the situation. OS: Co-operational organizations and technicians of the city hall form a group to study and determine the information. They observe the weather condition during normal days. Additional weather analysts will be added to the group when disaster happens.OS: Typhoon pathOS: Strength of estimated rainfallOS: Assist the commander to determine, meet the emergency, execute all kind of tasks, which includingOS: Pre-arrange, Preinstall pumps, gather and organize heavy machinery , and pre-closure of bridges and roads in the dangerous areas.OS: Check and report the disaster situation. , System to report to all levels of police agency, civil affairs department, fire agency and disaster prevention departments. OS: Control and monitor the disaster. Use 24 hrs EMIS (Emergency Management Information System) to track the outcome of the cases.
OS : 每年5月至11月防汛期,是主要降雨及颱風侵襲的季節,近年來因為 氣候變遷,瞬時強降雨機率大增,造成各地區常發生淹水災情OS:海岸線長達120餘公里OS:台灣位在歐亞大陸板塊與菲律賓海板塊邊界,新北市境內有一條山腳活 斷層,為地震發生密集地OS:民國88年發生九二一大地震OS:三座核電廠坐落新北市,安全不容忽視OS:新北市災害應變中心於2005年建置完成OS:科技化的災害應變中心,位於新北市政府大樓九樓,可承受七級以上 強度地震
OS: Every year in May to November is the flood prevention period. This is the main season of rainfall and typhoon. Due to the weather change in recent years, the chance of instantaneous heavy rainfall is dramatically increased. This leads to the flood disaster of each area.OS: Coast is more than 120 km.OS: Taiwan is located in between of Eurasian plate and Philippine plate. There is an active faults in New Taipei City, which is a densely area of earthquakes.OS: 921 earthquake was happened in the year 1999.OS: There nuclear power stations are located in New Taipei City. Safety cannot be ignored.OS: New Taipei City Emergency Operation Center was set in 2005.OS: Technology-based emergency operation center is located on the 9th floor of the New Taipei City hall. It can sustain earthquake more than level 7.