YF (between-lines) 翻訳実績

4.8 5 件のレビュー
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
文化 ビジネス ファッション Webサイト
between-lines 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

Really want to buy this item from you, I asked you about the "・All is shown in the picture. No accessories."

You ship all in the first photo or ship only camera body? Not sure with your "No accessories" I'm fool I want to ask the truth may be your trick, show "Full accessories in the first Picture" when ship some seller said only camera body but they take a photo with all.

Please answer my question as you agree to these:


・All is shown in the picture. No accessories.

If you have any question or concern, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Please consult us freely when you have Japanese products that you want to buy !
We should be able to help you.

Thank you for visiting.


本当に私はこのアイテムをあなかたら購入したいので、あなたの言う「写真にあるのが全てです。アクセサリーはついていません。(All is shown in the picture. No accessories.) 」の意味が知りたいのです。

最初の写真に写っているものは全て送ってもらえるのでしょうか、それともカメラのボディだけですか?「No accessories 」とおっしゃる意味が不明です。私は知識がないのであなたのおっしゃることが真実もしくはトリックなのかが良くわからないので確かめたいのです、「最初の写真に全てのアクセサリー」を載せておいて、いざ送付する段になってカメラボディだけを送るという販売者もいるものですから。



( All is shown in the picture. No accessories.)


between-lines 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

I'm a secretary at yourclary.com.
I have spoken with one of your operators on Mar 24th in regards to a wholesale purchase.
I am writing on behalf of my client; Ms. ○.

Ms. ○., would like to know if your company would be interested in selling items at wholesale price. Your items are gaining popularity in Japan. She runs business online and interested in selling your items in her shop and looking forward to start purchasing as a lot constantly from you. She is seeking for a VIP price (if there is any). Is there any discount?

She would like to know more in detail on wholesale contract if you are interested.
*Quantity requirement, how much of discount she can get, etc.

(Ms. Oya) It is included in CC too.


今回、今月24日に卸売価格に関して御社の担当者の方とお話をさせていただきました。 実は、私のクライアント(◯さん)の代筆で本メールを書いております。


例えば 数量条件、どのくらいの割引価格で販売していただけるかの諸条件など)
