「イナズマロック フェス 2015」雷神ステージタイムテーブル発表!9月19日に倖田來未が出演する「イナズマロック フェス 2015」雷神ステージのタイムテーブルが発表されました!詳細はフェスオフィシャルHPにてチェック!http://inazumarock.com/
The time table of Raijin stage at "Inazuma Rock Festival 2015" is announced!The time table of Raijin stage at "Inazuma Rock Festival 2015", that KUMI KODA will be performing on September 19, is announced.Check out on the official website for more information!http://inazumarock.com/
About the inquiry that your item has not been delivered, we are investigating the shipment status.But it takes a time because it has been arrived in Los Angels.The earliest way to confirm it is that a buyer give tracking number to near post office for searching the item.On this occasion, shipping record and tracking number will be needed, we attached them.We guarantee that if you request for a refund.We're sorry for the inconvenience, but please confirm.Thank you for your trouble in advance.
Thank you for your speedy response.Well then, I've send you the photo of 4 torn steel sheet by attaching. Could you confirm that?You'll see that the part of screws for all of 4 has been torn. If you would send just the steel sheet, I would be able to fix it. Regarding the AAA, I've just paid. So, could you make a shipment as soon as possible?Thank you in advance.
けいおん!こえたま東京自転車少女。フリージング野菜入りソフトおせんべいおにぎりフィルム海苔 小ウィダーinゼリー(マルチビタミンイン)炭花壇 炭苔 プリザーブド 中恋する浴衣セット 牡丹カレン 紫xピンク(帯・下駄ランダム)【Air Dynamic Series】audio-technica/エアーダイナミックヘッドホン/ATH-AD500X恋と闘争の学園SFアクション、ここに開幕
K-ON!KoetamaTokyo Cycle Girl.FreezingVegetable Soft Rice CrackerOnigiri Nori Film SmallWeider in Jelly (Multivitamin)"Sumikadan" Chrysanthemum-shaped charcoal MediumLovely Yukata Set, flowing peony and Calendula, violet and pink (included Obi and Geta)【Air Dynamic Series】audio-technica/Air Dynamic Headphones/ATH-AD500XSchool SF Action for romance and fighting is hereby started.
All the parts of item are in this box.It's too difficult to discount because this is a scarce item in Japan. I can lower the price to $470, but this is the final offer.I'd really like to help you in any way.Thank you very much!Best regards to my friend.
私はカード情報を更新しようと何度もAのアカウントにログインをしたが『Sorry, you are not an authorized Seller Central user. Need helpSign in as a different user』のメッセージがでて、更新ができない。このアカウントはすでに閉鎖されていますか?ログインができるように対応をして頂ければ、すぐに更新します。どうぞよろしくお願い致します。
I've tried to log in account of A for updating my credit information over and over.But I've got a message as below; "Sorry, you are not an authorized Seller Central user. Need help Sign in as a different user"So I can't update it.Has this account been deleted already?If you would address to log in this account, I'll update it as soon as possible.Thank you very much in advance for your support.
最後に、ここにいる皆様のご支援を頂く事です。ぜひタイバンコクに支社を持つ、顧客のご紹介をお願い致します。 優秀な皆様のお力をぜひともお貸しくださいますよう、宜しくお願いいたします。最終的には、タイにおいて上場し、タイ国内では、誰でも知っている企業として存在し、●●グループに貢献できるよう頑張ります。皆様もタイにこられた際にはぜひご連絡ください。以上です。ご静聴ありがとうございました。
In conclusion, I'd like to ask you to support. I would appreciate if you would introduce me to your customer, which has a branch in Bangkok.I want to do whatever I can for us all and humbly ask for your favor.Eventually, I wish this branch in Bangkok will take a company public, and to be a famous company. I'll try to work hard for contributing to our group.Please contact me if you come to Thailand.That's all. Thank you very much for your attention.