Thank you for everything.Appreciate the schedules.Double check the time, the Skype checking will be end on February 26th. On the next day February 27th, Infinite corporation will care of loading the container.Iikai will contact you when the ship goes off.Would it be taking too long as the ship leaving the harbor on March 20th as the schedules says.Furthermore the cases will ended samely that cannot match the time properly. Please tell me the reason of why taking these time.Yours sincerely
【超レア 宇宙戦士バルディオス トリプルクロス 野村トーイ 】野村トーイの宇宙戦士バルディオスの超合金、戦闘合体トリプルクロス。1980年6月~1981年1月まで日本テレビで放送されたアニメ「宇宙戦士バルディオス」34話完結のところ残り3話というところで打ち切られ、予定変更に伴いストーリーも書きかえられ、まさかの人類滅亡…衝撃の最終話にファンは…。日本に数少ないこちらの商品をこの機会に是非手に入れて下さい。
Extremely rare Nomura Toy of Space Warrior Baldios triple cross:Super alloy combining combat Triple Cross of Space Warrior Baldios made by Nomura Toy.Animation ‘Space Warrior Baldios’ broadcasted on Nihon TV since June 1980 until January 1981.There are 34 episodes in total but the animation is cut short by 3 episodes.Plot are changed with the change of schedule. Humanity are destroyed and fans cannot bear with the shocking end.Please take the chance of purchase this rare Japanese item.
下一个节日:妇女节2017年3月8日等级礼包升级就送等级称号新手渔夫新锐渔夫贵族专享会员等级礼包VIP 等级周日上线礼包每周日0点0分至23点59分每人限领一次技能道具钻石x10金币x10000点击领取