I will translate ANY type of text from English to French or French to English.

$8.00 / 1時間
翻訳・ローカライズ / 翻訳
英語 → フランス語 フランス語 → 英語
Having grown up with a computer since my tender childhood, and being in my sophomore year of physics & chemistry in the French university of Evry, plus the fact that I have already worked as a Freelance translator, I have a very solid experience in translation, and thus, I am able to translate anything from simple texts to complex subjects and articles like science and economics.

I am also online VERY often, for a VERY long time.
I have an experience as a Freelance translator in this very site (hundreds of texts translated), and only positive feedback.
Usually online everyday of the week from 11am to 2am the next day.


英語 フランス語
Born in France, lived most of my childhood in London, I can speak english fluently, and I think I am suited for this job.