I specialize in fictional writing, giving a new voice to your characters!

$6.00 / 1時間
翻訳・ローカライズ / 翻訳
日本語 → 英語 日本語 → スペイン語 英語 → スペイン語 スペイン語 → 英語
I have experience in translations regarding fictional writing, especially games and manga. Having passion in both fields is what encourages to express and provide a faithful work to be enjoyed by many, regarding the language barriers.
I have been publishing free translated videogames from Japanese on my personal site since the beginning of 2020 https://papixistar.blog.fc2.com/ I also participated in the translation of commercial games yet to be published.
I'm attached to the GMT-3, currently available at all times, and would love to attend your inquires as soon as possible.


スペイン語 英語 日本語
I am a freelancer videogame and manga translator, specialized in Japanese to Spanish and English. My focus is primordially fictional writing, character scripts, everyday situations and so on. Currently with one year of experience in the field, I have been publishing some projects for free on my personal blog: https://papixistar.blog.fc2.com/