Translation from Turkish to English or vice versa

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トルコ語 → 英語 英語 → トルコ語
Here is a C level English speaker, writer and listener. I assure that, your document will be safely translated from original language to designated language!
--A section I wrote in my essays--
For more example you can always contact me.

In today’s world, one of the most problematic subjects that are related to obesity is; living a sedentary lifestyle and having bad eating habits. The first problem that led to being obese is having bad eating habits. With the revolution in the fast-food industry, the consumption of fast foods and sugar-sweetened drinks took their place in our daily life. Because of the contents of the fast foods and those drinks, they are not only unhealthy but also led to being obese. Ludwig and colleagues state that (Barry; Brescoll; Brownell &Schlesinger, 2009) eating fast foods and drinking sugar-sweetened drinks are the reasons for how we pass the normal energy intake level in our daily life. In that case, passing the normal energy intake level led us to become obese (par.3). The second problem that we faced with is, living sedentary lifestyles. Thanks to the developments in technology, our lives are easier. However, it is not the mean that our lives are healthier! According to the British Medical Journal (Wilding, 2012), due to the lack of physical activity, like going somewhere with a car rather than walking or spend our time with TV rather than doing outdoor activities we are becoming obese. (p.1) To conclude, the way we are live depends on us, if we care what we eat or how we live, we can maintain our lives much healthier.
I can answer your messages anytime during the day. In case you can't contact me, you can always write via instagram. The user name is: tufan.kuvvet.


トルコ語 英語
Hey to you all! Here is a native Turkish speaker Tufan Kuvvet (just me) :).

First of all, I am currently studying in the middle east technical university, which has an English based curriculum. Moreover, It is my 4th year in there (including preparatory school) and I will be graduated in next year. I am doing this job, since we turned our face to face educational system to online system. Overall, I assure that you can trust me, while I am translating your documents or everything! If there is anything you would like to ask, feel free to contact me. Stay safe :).