I can help you translate whatever you need! Whether it's a contract, or maybe personal documents, or others.

$10.00 / 1時間
翻訳・ローカライズ / 翻訳
スペイン語 → 英語 英語 → スペイン語
My services might be cheaper than most because I don't have great experience to show, yet I am definitely capable to translate what you need translated given my native language is Spanish (great grammar and vocabulary) and I studied English for 9 consecutives years of my life and graduated as a C1 Level. I speak it, comprehend it, write it and read it perfectly, and was taught all the translating techniques needed.

Puede que mis servicios sean más económicos que la mayoría debido a que no tengo una gran experiencia en el campo, pero soy definitivamente capaz de traducir aquello que necesites dado que estudié inglés por 9 años consecutivos, granduándome como nivel C1. Lo hablo, comprendo, escribo y leo perfectamente, y me enseñaron todas las técnicas de traducción necesarias.
I'm usually available from 10 am to 9 pm (Argentinian time zone)


スペイン語 英語
I am an 18-year-old bilingual Venezuelan. I studied English ever since i was 7 and I graduated as a C1 English speaker at the age of 16 (determined by Michingan test).