1,000円 / 1時間
翻訳・ローカライズ / 翻訳
英語 → フランス語 イタリア語 → フランス語 フランス語 → 英語
Highly professional translation (non-certified) for several types of legal documentation (contracts, memos, NDAs, bank guarantees, letters of facility, etc.)


フランス語 英語 イタリア語
I was born and raised in Montreal, Canada, to French-speaking (and -loving) parents. Throughout my studies, I always paid great attention to my written and oral expression, often willing to improve my knowledge of the French language (a subject I highly performed at) by reading random entries in the Larousse dictionary, or spending lunch times doing crossword competitions with friends. Although my professional path has led me toward the fields of engineering, then law, I never lost this attraction to concise, error-free, and precise texts. I have some experience in translating commercial, banking, and public contracts, as well as business memos, emails etc., at my current position, and have a very good command of English as well, which I use everyday in my professional environment.
I would be glad to help your company rely on clear legal documentation, whereas different stakeholders speaking different languages ought to understand the same risks and opportunities.