
1,000円 / 1時間
翻訳・ローカライズ / 翻訳
日本語 → 英語 スペイン語 → 英語 日本語 → スペイン語 Standard 英語 → スペイン語



スペイン語 (native) 英語 日本語
I'm a native Spanish speaker with English (TOEIC) and Japanese (JLPT) language certifications, residing in Japan for longer than 10 years.

Let me share some details about my language learning history.

  -Spanish language: Native level
  -English language: Upper-Intermediate level
  -Japanese language: Intermediate level

I migrated to Japan 11 years ago. Since then, I have worked in 3 companies, studied 5 Japanese language courses offered by the local office, and enrolled in a Japanese language school for 1 year. Thanks to this, I successfully obtained a certification of Japanese language proficiency (JLPT N2) which is equivalent to intermediate-upper intermediate (Business) level. Also, I took the EJU test, which is used to measure Japanese aptitude when applying to Japanese universities. My score was 211/400 points, enough to apply to some universities.
I'm able to understand daily life conversations, grasp the most important points of a simple text, hand-write simple essays, and talk in Japanese (Grammatically not perfect but good enough to make myself understand.)

Language experience and owned certifications are highlighted below.

Language Skills (Areas rated from 0 to 10):

Reading comprehension: 5
Writing: 5
Listening comprehension: 7
Speaking: 4

Reading comprehension: 8
Writing: 6.5
Listening comprehension: 6
Speaking: 5 (IELTS speaking test: 5 out of 9)

Spanish (Neutral Latin American):
Speaking: 9
Reading comprehension: 9
Writing: 9
Listening comprehension: 9

Certifications and Language courses:
-TOEIC (Test Of English for International Communication) Listening & Reading score: 785/990

-Five Japanese language vocational courses completed (JICE日本語研修).
-JLPT (Japanese Language proficiency Test) N2 score: 144/190
-EJU (Examination for Japanese University) score: 211
-Graduated from a Japanese language school in Japan.
(*note: JLPT N2 test difficulty is equivalent to Business level)

・Spanish (Latin America):
-20 years living in Peru

Thank you for your precious time.