- Graphic design & Translation bridging Japan and the UK
I majored in media and product design at university and have worked for a major Japanese PR company as a planner. I have over 8 years of experience in the field of graphics design.
My expertise lie in the following:
+ Flyers
+ Brochures
+ Business cards
+ Presentation slide design (PPT)
+ Web banner
+ Social media post
I also have experience in a variety of other areas including menu design and full poster design.
My absolute forte are my services in creating one-stop PR tools from scratch - researching industries and making a concept and a plan and then building upon this with graphic design and written content.
I also have experience in freelance translation of English to Japanese/Japanese to English content for both casual and business materials.
If you would like my help, please feel free to contact me.
Thank you.
会社案内/名刺/サービスパンフレット/ポスター/プレゼン資料/企画書/提案書/SNS, Webサイトバナー
※ 印刷物としての納品は別途ご相談になります。
※ Webデザインやコーディングは別途お問合せください。
I majored in media and product design at university and have worked for a major Japanese PR company as a planner. I have over 8 years of experience in the field of graphics design.
My expertise lie in the following:
+ Flyers
+ Brochures
+ Business cards
+ Presentation slide design (PPT)
+ Web banner
+ Social media post
I also have experience in a variety of other areas including menu design and full poster design.
My absolute forte are my services in creating one-stop PR tools from scratch - researching industries and making a concept and a plan and then building upon this with graphic design and written content.
I also have experience in freelance translation of English to Japanese/Japanese to English content for both casual and business materials.
If you would like my help, please feel free to contact me.
Thank you.
会社案内/名刺/サービスパンフレット/ポスター/プレゼン資料/企画書/提案書/SNS, Webサイトバナー
※ 印刷物としての納品は別途ご相談になります。
※ Webデザインやコーディングは別途お問合せください。