English to Spanish by a native speaker

$5.00 / 1時間
翻訳・ローカライズ / 翻訳
英語 → スペイン語
Spanish is second most spoken language in the world after chinese, so there are a lot of opportunities in Latin America and Spain. I learned English three years ago and got the EF EST with a C2 grade. I'm not a professional translator by any means but I understand perfectly the two languages.
Usually online after 2PM (GMT-4)


スペイン語 英語
Hello! I learned English three years ago in Venezuela along with my studies and graduated two years ago. I approved the EF EST with a C2 grade and I'm confident of my skills and eager to improve and learn more translating with Fairlingo. I love English because the reach and resourcefulness that come with learning a foreign language and by the way, you can make new friends!