If you're looking to be a tour guide using the French language, that's me!

$8.00 / 1時間
翻訳・ローカライズ / 通訳・通訳ガイド
フランス語 → 英語 英語 → フランス語 スワヒリ語 → フランス語
Ever wanted to be a tour guide for any French speaking country? I will teach you how to be a proper tour guide and all the right usage of linguistics in the French language! From me, it will be simple, easy and quick! You'll be showing people around in French in no time.
I'm usually online from 8am to 12pm, and from 4pm to 6pm GMT+3, Mondays through Thursdays & 6am to 10am, Fridays through Sundays.


英語 フランス語 スワヒリ語 アラビア語
Hello! My name is Ahmadu. I'm a language nerd. I love speaking and learning different languages, but I really love to translate! It's like a workout for my brain. I've lived in America my whole life before moving abroad in Africa. I've lived in England for a short amount of time as well as Switzerland. I learned most of my languages from my father, who happens to also be a language nerd and a polygot! Translating is one of my favorite things to do, as it helps me improve on my languages everyday since I can't really speak them everyday. Feel free to message me if you need anything translated! Au revoir!