I know how to translate and make it readable (from english to thai)

$2.00 / 1時間
翻訳・ローカライズ / 翻訳
英語 → タイ語
I do this job for money.
I really want to make money to reduce the financial burden on my family.
When I work I will always try to make it perfect. I will recheck every sentence before decide
(PST time)
8 P.M - 8 A.M. Mondey-Friday
Saturday-Sunday 6 P.M.- 8 A.M.


タイ語 英語
Hello, I'm college student in thailand.
I quite confident in my english skill and I can use proper word in thai.
I like to read fantasy novel or novel about war like Game of throne or Percy Jackson.
I also play Dungeon and Dragon 5edition, and would like to translate anything relate to Fantasy Genre or board game