To translate Japanese, English and Korean neatly.

$5.00 / 1時間
翻訳・ローカライズ / 翻訳
韓国語 → 英語 日本語 → 韓国語 英語 → 韓国語
I studied Japanese and English for myself. (I learned languages for the first time in high school and university)
It was not easy at first, but I studied various things. (Traveling alone, Living other country etc.)
So I can translate so that everyone can understand more easily.
High school - Japanese basic and writing / English grammar, writing and reading comprehension
University - Japanese reading comprehension & writing / English essay and writing
for self - Translate song lyrics, Conversion of work description, Write a composition of product description.
AM 10:00 ~ PM 2:00
PM 8:00 ~ PM 11:00


韓国語 英語 日本語 オランダ語
Hi! I'm from Korea. If you look for the Korea's everything, please question for me^^