Let me translate your stuff:)!

$12.00 / 1時間
翻訳・ローカライズ / 翻訳
チェコ語 → 英語 英語 → チェコ語 チェコ語 → ベトナム語 ベトナム語 → チェコ語
I'm very hard-working and determined person when it comes to translating. I will make sure to be accurate and careful.
This is my first time offering my translation skills despite of my wide knowledge.
10:00-00:00, everyday


チェコ語 英語 ベトナム語
Hello, this is Hannah.
I am a student at a grammar school(3rd year). I'm very passionate about learning new languages. So far I can speak Czech, Vietnamese and English. I have 3 more languages to learn which are: Russian, German and Latin. I hope I will be able to pull all of them off so that I can easily master them!