translation in many field

3,500円 / 1時間
翻訳・ローカライズ / 翻訳
Standard 英語 → イタリア語 フランス語 → イタリア語 アラビア語 → イタリア語
I really love translating from one language to another trying to give as much as possible the same meaning feelings.
subtitles for Treviso Film Festival, translation in many fields, interpreting
10.00-20.00 (JTS) Monday to Friday.


イタリア語 (native) 英語 フランス語 アラビア語
文化 文学 輸出産業 出入国管理 ジャーナリズム
Hi everybody I'm Anna and I'm Italian. In 2012 I graduated in cultural and linguistic mediation and that's why I can also talk and understand English, French and Arabic. I've also obtained a master in literal and journalistic translation from Arabic to Italian and that's how my passion for the translation world was born.
As my studies suggest, the fields in which I have more experience are literature and culture as I have done some cultural exchange in Australia, England and Tunis. I'm also proficient in relating with people because I've worked in an international event like Expo 2015.
I am a fast-learner, and always deliver high quality work by the deadline. Currently available for up to 10 hours/week.

Ciao a tutti sono Anna Claudia! Nel 2012 mi sono laureata in mediazione linguistica e culturale e nel 2014 ho conseguito in master in traduzione letteraria e giornalistica dall'arabo all'italiano. I campi in cui posso dire di essere più preparata sono la letteratura e le culture visto che le ho studiate nel corso degli anni e che mi appassionano molto. Amo anche stare a contatto con la gente ed infatti ho lavorato come hostess ad Expo Milano 2015.