Specialize in transcribing a video from English to Chinese

$15.00 / 1時間
簡単作業・その他 / その他
中国語(繁体字) → 英語 Standard 英語 → 中国語(繁体字)
I enjoy watching films and always pay attention on " what if I were the translator would I do it better than this?'' or " if I were the translator what would I do is... ''

My personality required me to do everything best as I could.
the biggest project I did is translating a student short film of Shin Hsin University - Eyes Wide

This film had been played on these below film festival
-The Monthly Film Festival-2015(TMFF)
-2015 Official Selection
-Russian International Film Fest
Saturday - Tuesday (GMT+8) 10:00-20:00 are available

Wednesday - Friday (GMT+8) 20:00 - 23:00 are available


中国語(繁体字) (native) 英語 中国語(簡体字)
I am a language lover and I go visit other countries from time to time to enjoy being in a different culture.
Over the pastfew years , I did my two different internship in Poland and all my friends were so surprised that I always want to do my best to everything .
I would do my best to every project you give to me !