Translations for the Food and Drinks field. Spanish, English, French and Romanian languages.

$28.00 / 1時間
翻訳・ローカライズ / 翻訳
Standard 英語 → スペイン語 フランス語 → スペイン語 ルーマニア語 → スペイン語
I have been raised in a family that has been dedicated for the last four generations to farming and the food industry, so I have developed a strong bond to this field. When this combines with my Translation training, I am able to not only help you in translating documents and descriptions, but also make your products global and help in your company expansión.
I have been translating for a food and beverages company for the last year, and boosted its sales in foreign markets such as China and Russia.
09.00-21.00 British time


スペイン語 (native) 英語 フランス語 ルーマニア語
Hello, I am a Spanish translator, working mainly with English-Spanish, but also having knowledge of French and Romanian. I am here for anything you would need.

Hola, soy un traductor español, que trabaja principalmente con los idiomas inglés y español, pero con conocimientos también del francés y el rumano. Estoy aquí para todo lo que necesiten.

Allô, je suis un traducteur espagnol, en travaillant principalement avec las langues anglaise et espagnole, mais aussi avec une connaissance du français et roumain. Je suis ici pour tout ce que vous voulez.

Salut, eu sunt un traducător spaniol, în principal cu limbi engleză și spaniolă. Dar de asemenea cu limba franceză și română.