Please let me help you with Spanish to English translation so you can approach a wider audience

$10.00 / 1時間
簡単作業・その他 / その他
スペイン語 → 英語 英語 → スペイン語
I pay attention to details, I'm dedicated and willing to use my knowledge to help others and I would like to help you in every opportunity I could get
I've been working in translations all my life. Documents, songs, papers, books, poems, adaptations, real-time translations that's specialty.
10:00 - 20:00 (JST) Monday - Friday


スペイン語 英語
Hi! Nice to meet you, my name is Emanuel and I'm from Argentina. I've been working with English to Spanish translations (and vice versa) all my life and I'm willing to expand my territory via online translations.