i can write stories in french or english on any topic

$25.00 / 1時間
ライティング / ライティング全般
フランス語 → 英語
I love to give sensations or impressions through writing : a news can be related in many different ways depending on the impression you want to give. the choice of vocabulary and punctuation is very important. I like to "play" with them.
I lived few years in India and used to write news for different population : Indian or French ; I would use different words depending the reader
10;00 am to 15.00 pm from Monday to Friday


フランス語 (native) 英語
Hello. I'm interested in expressions, all kind of, like dancing, singing, painting and talking-acting . I like philosophy and psychology. I'm in to echology. I'm new in translating but I'm giving french classes to refugees and I lived seven years in India using English as bridge between Indians and me. Now I'm into organic vegan food and saving the world!