I specialize in translating comics from English and Spanish to French

$20.00 / 1時間
ライティング / ライティング全般
Standard 英語 → フランス語 スペイン語 → フランス語
For the past few years, I have been specializing in comics translation. I have learnt the specificity and technical terminology of this fascinating and dynamic sector. I have been reading comics since I was a child. I am curious and enthusiastic. I am willling to gain more knowledge. I am respectful of timelines and I work hard to provide accurate translations.
I have discovered the British artist Krent Able (who since published in The Guardian) and translated many of his stories for a French magazine AAARG!
I have also translated other stories from the American artist Jason Little for the same magazine.
9:00 to 19:00 (GMT) from Monday to Friday


英語 スペイン語 フランス語 (native)
漫画 音楽 食べ物・レシピ・メニュー Webサイト
I have been a translator as a freelancer for 6 years. I have a Masters Degree in Translation and Interpretation. I have studied in Granada, Spain in The Faculty of Translation and Interpretation for one year. I have lived in Ireland and Wales and this has helped me to be more proficient in English. I have been an English teacher for more than 10 years. Now, I want to help you reach out to more French customers.