I specialize in translating manuals, letters, essays and engineerin articles.

$20.00 / 1時間
ライティング / ライティング全般
スペイン語 → 英語
I want to help people with official documents or who is applying for overseas experiences and need support.
I am an Industrial Engineer. I' ve been working in industry for 1 and a half year and I studied English for 5 years.
I got 557 in the TOEFL ITP.
During my internships, I worked in quality, six sigma and SMED projects. Besides, while studied, I worked in a printer plant as a manager workshop.
Monday to Friday: 9:00 - 11:00 and 20:00 - 22:00


スペイン語 英語
Engineer, 5 years studying English, English teacher