(Double-checking of) Any translation from English to Japanese

$12.00 / 1時間
翻訳・ローカライズ / 校正・ネイティブチェック
日本語 → 英語
I'm a native Japanese speaker who had studied in the States for a year and can understand English pretty well.
As soon as possible, at least in 12 hours.


日本語 (native) 英語
初めまして、Annie と申します!アメリカの現地大学で9か月間の留学経験あり(二学期間オールAとりました)、(16歳の時に取得)英検2級、TOEIC 950点 持っています。早稲田大学国際教養学部卒業です。アメリカ英語とイギリス英語のどちらも対応可能です。一般的な内容はもちろん、専門分野でしたら文化、芸術、言語、政治、哲学、社会学が得意分野になります。

こちらもよろしければぜひご訪問ください。Your Teacher のページに詳しい経歴を載せております。

Hello, my name is Annie. I had lived in the States for 9 months as an exchange student and came back to Japan with all As. I have the second grade of Eiken (which I got at the age of 16), the score of 950 out of 990 on TOEIC. I graduated with a bachelor's degree from the School of International Liberal Studies in Waseda University. Besides daily topics, I am knowledgeable about linguistics, politics, philosophy and sociology. I can translate both American and British English with no difficulty.
I have officially translated about 8 chapters from a book on group counseling (aprrox. 180~200 pages). I am able to translate something with about 100 pages in three weeks if the decent pay is guaranteed.
I'll do my very best to give you the best translation. Thank you so much for reading this and I am looking forward to hearing from you.