I already have experience in translating documents (of all kinds, from scientific to more casual ones) from english to italian, and I've also lived in a foreign country, so I experienced first hand the use of a different language in everyday life.

$50.00 / 1時間
ライティング / ライティング全般
英語 → イタリア語
I've always thought that translators are often underestimated, when it comes to recognizing them credit for their job; people often don't realize that the words they're actually reading are, most of the times, not the author's, but the translator's. Their accuracy and understanding of every faint shade under the choice of a particular word is crucial, and it requires time, effort and passion. I'm willing to do so and more, because I love words, texts and everything it involves. I'm ready to committ and gain even more experience in this field.
I've translated and edited several scientific papers that were to be read in quite important international meetings. The results have always been satisfying for both the parties.
correspondence time would have to be arranged from time to time, due to my personal schedule.