Translation Portuguese (Brazil)/ English/ Spanish

$5.00 / 1時間
翻訳・ローカライズ / 翻訳
英語 → ポルトガル語 (ブラジル) ポルトガル語 (ブラジル) → 英語 スペイン語 → ポルトガル語 (ブラジル)
As a native portuguese speaker and an english student, who did Digital Marketing college and loves music, movies and learning new languages, I will do my best to provide all you need.
Since my school and college years I've been practicing and learning english and other languages, it's something that I love to do.
I'm usually online on mondays, tuesdays, wednesdays and thursdays, between 8am to 8pm. But you can contact me anytime.
