I am able to help you translating Japanese texts into English.

$2.00 / 1時間
翻訳・ローカライズ / 翻訳
日本語 → 英語 英語 → タガログ語 タガログ語 → 英語
Translating documents from Japanese to English is a way to break down spoken word as it provides an exchange of ideas on both parties. It can be pretty complex but translators exist to correct errors to avoid misunderstanding and relay the messages appropriately.
I have an experience of translating documents for 3 months before i came across Conyac. Texts from Japanese to English, English to Tagalog and vise versa.
I am online:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday (8:00-20:00) GMT+8
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday (16:00-20:00) GMT+8


英語 日本語 タガログ語
34 時間 / 週
I am a native Tagalog and English speaker and a Japanese Language Proficiency Test N4 certificate holder with an N3 level communication skills.