Translation from English to French

$10.00 / 1時間
翻訳・ローカライズ / 翻訳
Standard 英語 → フランス語 フランス語 → 英語
I am a native French speaker currently living in Stockholm. Graduated from of Bachelor Degree in Languages, I can provide translations from English to French and vise versa.
During my Bachelor Degree in Languages I translated lots of press articles about several topics such as economics and daily news.
I am usually online from Monday to Friday from 8 AM to 7 PM.


フランス語 (native) 英語
30 時間 / 週
I am a French native speaker living in Stockholm. Graduated from a Bachelor Degree in Languages, I can provide translations in both French and English.

If you are interested in my professionale profile, I remain at your disposal for any further questions.