Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from English to Bahasa Indonesia ] hotel yang indah, tetapi

Original Texts
nice hotel, but our small group stayed at this hotel as one of us had a very late arrival. before heading up to another part of bali. the hotel lobby looked much better than our rooms. we were disappointed to see that the bathrooms weren't anywhere close to the pictures. they were clean, yes. but our expectations weren't met as the bathrooms didn't even match the guest room, or even the hotel lobby feel. we enjoyed the rooftop pool. and the breakfast was standard fare. the service was cordial and helpful. and it was very very close to the airport (which was very nice, especially when one of us arrived at 1:00 am). would we return? probably not (unless they do actually post pictures of what we could expect - especially the bathrooms. not pictures of bathrooms in upgraded or more expensive rooms). thus a "3" overall rating for what we'd call "exaggerated" advertising or impression, which had caused unnecessary disappointment.
Translated by dekatron
Hotel yg bagus, tapi
kelompok kecil kami tinggal di hotel ini sebagai salah satu yg tiba larut. sebelum menuju ke bagian lain dari bali. lobi hotel tampak jauh lebih baik daripada kamar kami. kami dikecewakan setelah melihat bahwa kamar mandi tidak sesuai denagn gambar . Disana terlihat bersih, ya. namun tidak sesuai harapan kami bahkan kamar mandi tidak cocok dengan ruang tamu, atau bahkan serasa di lobi hotel . kami menikmati kolam renang atap. dan sarapannya tarif standar. layanan ini ramah dan membantu. dan itu sangat sangat dekat dengan bandara (itu yang sangat bagus, terutama ketika salah satu dari kami tiba di 1:00 am). akan kita kembali?
mungkin tidak (kecuali mereka benar-benar mengirim gambar apa yang sesuai dengan yang kita harapkan -. terutama kamar mandi bukan dari gambar kamar mandi di kamar upgrade atau lebih mahal). demikian "3" Peringkat keseluruhan untuk apa yang kita sebut iklan yang memberi"berlebihan", yang telah menyebabkan kekecewaan yang tidak perlu.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Bahasa Indonesia
Translation Fee
Translation Time
11 minutes
dekatron dekatron
I live @ Bali as a English & Japanese Freelance Tour Guide for several years ...