[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] 天野屋は1846年創業の老舗で、甘酒や納豆、味噌などの発酵食品を売っています。 神田明神の大鳥居左側にあるお店の、地下6mにある天然の土室にて麹菌を発酵...

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boj-noguchiによる依頼 2015/04/02 16:23:20 閲覧 4162回
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評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/04/02 16:54:21に投稿されました
Amano-Ya was a well-established shop selling fermented foods such as Amazake, Natto and Miso since 1846.
The fermentation of its Koji mold is said to take place 6 meters beneath the ground inside the shop, which stands at the left side of the Oo-Torii of Kandamyojin.

Amazake means a kind of liquor made from mixture of rice Koji and rice or sake-lees.
Though man calls it Sake, it has only few or no alcohol in it. So it is sorted as a soft drink.

Yet it was a popular drink in summertime in Edo era, and also as it contains quite rich nutrition, it prevented people from suffering from heated summer, acquiring another name "an injection to drink" for it.
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/04/02 17:20:31に投稿されました
Amanoya is a long-established store founded in 1846; it sells fermented foods such as amazake (a sweet drink made from fermented rice), natto (fermented soybeans), and miso (soybean paste).
Aspergillus oryzae is allowed to ferment in the natural, six-meter deep underground cellar of the store on the left side of the big torii (gateway) of Kanda myoujin shrine.

Amazake is an alcoholic drink made—mainly—from rice-malt and rice; alternatively, sake lees may be used as an ingredient. However, though it is called a sake, its amount of alcohol is minimal or none at all, so it is classified as a soft drink.

Nevertheless, amazake is originally—in the Edo period (1603-1868)—a familiar summer drink. It is called the "drinkable raindrops" because of its high nutritional value, and it is useful for the prevention of summer heat fatigue.
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/04/02 17:39:58に投稿されました
Amanoya is a traditional store of fermented foods since 1846, selling fermented foods like Amazake (sweet drink made from fermented rice), Natto (fermented soybeans) and Miso (fermented soybean paste).
Their foods are fermented by Koji mold (Aspergillus oryzae) in a natural cellar 6m beneath their store, which is located on the left side of the Ootorii (large entrance gate) of Kanda Myojin (a shrine in the Ochanomizu area).

Amazake, is a type of sake made from rice malt and rice, or sake lees.
Though being called "sake" the alcohol content is very low or none, so it's listed as a soft drink.

Surprisingly, this was originally a summer time drink in the Edo era. Also being called a ”drinkable infusion" for its high nutrition, it helped people prevent summer-time fatigue.
評価 44
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/04/02 17:57:08に投稿されました
Amanoya is long running store established at 1846.
They are selling fermentation foods such as an amazake, a natto, miso.

The shop places in left side of the Ootorii ( it is a large gate in a shrine entrance) at Kanda shrine.
They has a mud room under 6m in the shop.
They tell to ferment koji mold at there.

Amazake is a alcohol made by sources such as malted rice and rice or sake lees
However, the alcohol rate is a bit. although it is an alcohol.
Otherwise it is a non alcohol, the category is a softdrink.

But originally in Edo era, Amazake was familiar with people as a drink for summer.that is called as a drip injection to drink from the sufficient gradient, were useful to safe a summer heat disease.




評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/04/02 18:41:47に投稿されました
Kanda Myojin Shrine has a history of nearly 1,300 years in Edo-Tokyo.
During the Edo Period, it guarded everyone from generals to Edo people as "Edo Sochinju (the center place to pray for local gods)"

Even now Kanda Myojin Shrine keeps the wonderful traditional culture of Edo
and guards the central Tokyo which repeats developments and creativities continuously as "Soujigami (general local Shinto deity)" of 108 towns like Kanda, Nihonbashi, Akihabara, Marunouchi etc.
Kanda Myojin Shrine's "Ujikomachi (the towns of shrine parishioner)", 108 towns in Tokyo have life of people and a lot of cultures,

・Kanda - a original old town, which keeps the spirits of "Edokko (the natives of Edo)"
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/04/02 18:14:38に投稿されました
Since enshrinement in Edo-Tokyo, Kanda Myojin has seen 1300 years of history.
In the Edo era, it protected the whole Edo - from the Shoguns to the town people - as the "Edo-so-chin-ju (protecting shrine of all Edo)".

Still now, it protects central Tokyo, a place maintaining splendid cultures from the Edo era and ceaselessly giving birth to development and creation, as the sole tutelary shrine for 108 towns including Kanda, Nihonbashi, Akihabara and Marunouchi.
The 108 towns in Tokyo protected by Kanda Myojin are towns with dense culture and lifestyles of Edo and Tokyo:

- Kanda - The first of the downtowns in Tokyo, inheriting the Edo-ite spirit
評価 44
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/04/02 18:26:48に投稿されました
Kanda-myojin places at Edo Tokyo, has about thirteen hundred history.
Here protected everything of Edo from shougun to Edo folks as Edo general local god)

Even now, that is a general local god for 108 towns such as Kanda,nihonbashi,akihabara,marunouchi,
keep the wonderful traditional Edo culture,otherwise protects this center area of Tokyo where keep repeating a development and a creation at constant.
Tokyo 108 towns under the protection of Kanda-myojin is condensing Edo and Tokyo life and culture.
Kanda is an original downtown, inheriting a soul of Edo residents.





評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/04/02 18:49:23に投稿されました
-Nihonbashi- it is long-established towns where take over the tradition of clothing, eating, and housing culture of Edo.
-Akihabara- treasure trove of IT, or towns of subcultures
-Marunouchi- it is towns of businessman, there are crowded with big companies which represent Japan.

With them, we are combining tradition and innovation, and watching and taking care of these towns.

Kanda Myojin is also called God for IT, so you can buy IT-related talisman there.
Is the unique characteristics of the shrine surrounded by electric district and business district.

Since Kanda Myojin is near Akihabara and also known as the stage of the animation, there you can see many EMA, what is wooden plaque depicting various characters of animation.
albizzia- 9年以上前
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/04/02 18:37:08に投稿されました
- Nihonbashi - Towns crowded with traditional stores, passing down the clothing, food and sheltering cultures of Edo
- Akihabara - A treasury of technology and sub-cultures
- Marunouchi - A business town crowded with industrial giants representing Japan

The shrine protects these towns which carry both tradition and creation.

Also being called the god of IT, you can purchase IT-related lucky charms at Kanda Myojin -- A unique and distinctive character of a shrine surrounded by the electronics quarter and the business district.

As the location is quite near to Akihabara and also being a locale of an animation, you can see many Ema (votive pictures) with various characters.
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/04/02 17:20:42に投稿されました
・Nihonbashi - Area where conveys clothing, food and housing of Edo that there are traditional shops and restaurants.

・Akihabara - A gold mine of IT, and area of subculture.

・Marunouchi - Area of business people where are big companies which representive of Japan

Like these, it has both tradition and creation, and it has watched these areas constantly.

Also, Kanda Myojin is said " God of IT", you can purchase some kinds of lucky charms about IT.

It is a unique characteristic of the shrine which is surrounded by electronics quarter and business area.

In Kanda Myojin, you can see many EMA (pictorial offering) which are drawn several kinds of characters because the shrine is near Akihabara or used by animations.
mimiko0320- 9年以上前
最後のanimations をcartoon filmsに変更お願いします。



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