■トルコからのrailway systemの受注はとても大きな規模である。私はフランスにある本社のWIEが責任を持って、スペイン、中国、インドにある子会社に、受注に対しての役割分担をするべきである。例えば、本社フランスの工場は最新のテクノロジーを持っている。しかし、中国、インドなどの子会社は人件費を抑えられるので、コストが抑えられる。WIE本社は、最新テクノロジーが必要な部分と、既存の技術で作成できる部分を分類する。
For example the plant of headquarter in French has a state of art technology. While affiliated campanies in China and India is feasible to suppress labor costs so costs per se. The headquarter WIE shall categorize whether it requires a state of art technology or suffices with conventional technology.
Above all, I assume this is because many countires do not have an education system to teach buying pirated products is a bad action at schools or other places. Unless people think copied or pirated products are illegal things, everyone will prefer to buy pirated ones if they provide similar quality at lower prices than genuine ones.
I think it is because too many countries do not teach, at their schools, buying pirate editions is no good. If everyone thinks that the qualities of fake or pirate items are not so bad, all will buy pirate items because of their cheaper prices.
I think all of that because schools in many countries don't teach that purchasing counterfeit is a bad thing.
If everyone doesn't think that purchasing counterfeit is a bad thing and If quality of it is the same as original and it is cheaper than original, everyone will buy counterfeit.