zuzustan (zuzustan) 翻訳実績

英語 日本語 (ネイティブ) マレー語
zuzustan 英語 → 日本語

Please see the below from our accounts team who still require your bank number in order to process your payment form.

Please could you let us know the ‘Bank Number’ as we do not have any such bank in our records. Please email the details immediately to vendor team (cc’d)

We always encourage the vendors to send copies electronically to SSC.

I tried creating the Bank with the bank details provided both in the vendor form and below mail but its showing error. Could you please provide us the Bank Number for the respective bank.

Could you please provide the Bank number for the attached vendor has the bank details are not available in system for the bank and we would needing these details to update the bank in system.







zuzustan 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Pollio the consul was Antonius' man, and Pollio had had a large share in negotiating the treaty--he is an agent here, not merely a date. Antonius' son, heir to the leadership of the Caesarian party, should in truth have ruled over a world that had been pacified by the valour of his father.The expected child turned out to be a girl (the elder Antonia, born in 39 B.C.), the compact of the dynasts a mere respite in the struggle. That was not to be known. At the end of 40 B.C. the domination of the Caesarian faction, founded upon the common interests of leaders and soldiers and cemented by the most binding and personal of pledges, offered a secure hope of concord at last.



zuzustan 英語 → 日本語

Craig Mod explains that the high-quality feedback loops that exist within Hi (the ‘tell me more’ and ‘thanks’ functions) have been effective so far:

It sounds a bit complex but in practice it’s proven to be quite a fluid little interaction model and has already produced over 80,000 words of content — the order of many of those words quite excellent! — in a little over 10 days.

I tend to notice more remarkable things when I travel, and so I find I use Hi more while on the road. But because I like Hi, I find that it’s also prompting me to look for remarkable things in my own neighborhood, seeing it in a slightly different light.


Craig Mod氏は、Hi('tell me moreもっと教えて'と'thanksありがとう'機能)の中で繰り返されるハイクオリティなフィードバックは、今までとても効果的だったと説明する。

多少複雑に聞こえるかもしれないが、実験ではとても小さな流体相互関係モデルであることが証明され、さらにはたった10日以内に80,000単語以上のコンテント— これら多くの語順はとても素晴らしい!— が既に生成されている。


zuzustan 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0


Many thanks for your swift reply.

I have just contacted Parcelforce, Royal Mail (the UK delivery company) and UK Customs. The first two say that although the tracking number says the item arrived in the UK on 8th July, they have no internal record of having received the item. UK Customs also have no record of having received the item, and believe that the item may have gone missing between the transfer from Japan Post and UK Customs.

This is all very unfortunate to hear as I was looking forward to receiving the Global knife!

Are you able to report the item missing to Japan Post and send a replacement?



私はたった今小包配達業務部門、Royal Mail社(イギリスの配送会社)そしてイギリス関税局に連絡を取りました。最初の2者が言うには、トラッキングナンバーから品物はイギリスに7月8日に届いていることになっていますが、その品物を受け取ったという内部記録はありません、とのことです。さらにイギリス関税局は、品物を受け取った記録もなく、品物は日本の郵便局からイギリス関税局への輸送途中で紛失したと思っています。

