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The Lean And Kaizen Movement In Vietnam

If you don’t know lean and agile, you probably don’t work in a hip tech company. They’re two of the biggest trends in software development today and some consider them to be essential to entrepreneurship success. But I want to know: why are they so important?

I sat down with Christoph Kruppa to find out more about what lean and agile really means, and the small lean and agile community growing in Ho Chi Minh city. Especially, because they’ve got a big Lean Mindset and Kaizen Camp event next week.




そこで、リーン・アジャイルが本当に意味するものは何か、そして、とりわけホーチミン市で来週開催される大規模な「Lean Mindset and Kaizen Camp(リーン・マインドセット&カイゼンキャンプ)」というイベントに際し、同市で成長する小規模のリーン・アジャイル・コミュニティーについて更に理解を深めようとChristoph Kruppa氏に話を聞いてみた。

zhizi 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

For those not in the know, Lean is a management style that emphasizes efficiency and reduced resources. Agile is the set of practices of Lean in software development. And Kaizen is the philosophy in Japan that was the progenitor of lean.

Lately, The Lean Startup by Eric Ries, which is considered to be the manifesto the lean startup movement, has been translated into Vietnamese. Most Vietnamese entrepreneurs have read his book or want to.

Basically, lean and agile are about putting products into the hands of customers as soon as possible so that the product and development team can iterate and improve on it as fast as possible.



リーンスタートアップ・ムーブメントのマニフェストとも言われるEric Ries著作の「The Lean Startup(邦題:リーンスタートアップ)」が最近、ベトナム語に翻訳された。ベトナムのほとんどの起業家がこの本を既に読んでいる、もしくは読みたいと思っている。


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Guillaume adds that White As Milk is currently made up of a team of two working full-time, which includes himself. Part-timers work on additional content, such as the startup’s blog. White As Milk has had some seed funding from unrevealed sources, and is currently focusing on Singapore “to test if the service that we are proposing is valid.” Guillaume adds:

The first objective is to get 200 subscribers in six months’ time. If the model is validated in Singapore, we will think to other mature markets and dense cities in Asia where recurring payments will not be an issue.


Guillaume氏はさらに、White As Milkは現在2人の正社員(同氏含む)で運営していると語る。パートのスタッフは、ブログなどの補助コンテンツに取り組んでいる。同サービスはシード資金を調達しているが、出資者は明らかにされていない。そして、今はシンガポール市場に注力し「提供しているサービスが有効かどうか試している」とのこと。また、Guillaume氏は次のように付け加え述べている。


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For companies, White As Milk can “help baby brands softly launch their product on the Singapore market” in a way that’s simpler and cheaper than going through retailers. I guess that once a subcom site reaches a certain size, it’ll gain the gravitas to better dictate terms to brands – and to attract higher-end products.

Over in Indonesia, we recently saw a new specialist online store for baby-related items in the form of Bilna, so it seems like a good time for babycare e-tailers to emerge in Southeast Asia. But none seem to be trying the subcom model. Perhaps White As Milk’s biggest challenger so far is the huge retail chain MotherCare which has a Singapore branch of its online store.


企業に対して、White As Milkは、小売店を通すよりもシンプルでコストの安い方法で、「ベビー用品ブランドのプロダクトをシンガポールでソフトローンチする手助け」ができる。定期購入サイトが一定の規模にまで成長すれば、ブランドとの条件交渉が有利になり、さらには、より高級な商品を扱うことができるようになるだろう。

インドネシアでは、Bilnaというベビー用品を専門に扱うオンラインストアが新たにできている。どうやら、ベビー用品のオンラインストアが東南アジアでローンチするにはいい時期のようだ。だが、定期購入モデルを採用しようとするスタートアップはないようだ。現段階でWhite As Milkの最大の競争相手は、シンガポールにもオンラインストアの支店を出した、大手小売チェーン店のMotherCareだろう。

zhizi 英語 → 日本語

Quipio is Instagram for Text Messaging. Developers share how they optimized for a global audience since the beginning.

Quipio has launched its app for a global audience since day one, and highlights the importance of optimizing for different networks and environments.
Another app which recently came to our attention is Quipio, an app that provides an effortless way to share beautiful thoughts and moments with people. Jordan Crook of TechCrunch called the newly launched app Instagram for Text Messaging. The user experience is simple: Insert your message or personal quote. Apply pre set filters for the text or add a photo as the background. Share it with your social network. Done. It does all the work for you.




最近、私達の目を引いたもう1つのアプリはQuipio。これは、素晴らしい思いつきや瞬間を簡単に仲間とシェアすることのできるアプリだ。TechCrunchのJordan Crook氏はこの新しくローンチされたアプリを「メッセージ用のInstagram」と称した。ユーザーエクスペリエンスはシンプルだ:メッセージもしくは個人的な引用句を入力する。文章にあらかじめ設定されているフィルタをかけるか、もしくは背景に写真を貼り付ける。その後、利用しているソーシャルネットワークでシェアをするだけ。完了。アプリがすべての作業をやってくれる。

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How Quipio optimized their app for a global audience since the beginning

Perhaps what is more interesting about Quipio is how the app has been optimized for a global audience from the beginning. There are a lot of apps out there which are designed with specific audiences in mind, and when it comes to a stage of expansion, they then go through costly design overhauls to internationalize/localize the experience and transliterate their apps for various audiences. Avoiding this, Zubin shared with e27 how Quipio is optimized for the global audience from the beginning.




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3. Quipio was deliberately made bandwidth efficient so that users on 2.5 and 3G networks can still have an excellent experience. When you create a textual Quip, you are only sending a few kilobytes over your cellular connection. Your friends on Quipio see a very beautiful output but that’s because Quipio reuses common fonts, backgrounds and highlight colors. Once the application knows what it needs to render, it does it in real-time. No 500KB transfers required! The result is a fast and fluid experience regardless of cellular bandwidth.

Key Takeaway: Don’t assume that cellular networks are identical globally. Account for bandwidth-challenged environments and optimize for them.




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Ex-Cookpad director Jon Yongfook now mentoring startups at Singapore Management University

Singapore Management University welcomes 24-12′s Jon Yongfook as a business mentor.

Yongfook has many talents. Currently the founder and tech director of software company 24-12, Yongfook was previously the Director of Glamour Sales, a high-end commerce flash site with operations in Japan and China, which was funded up to Series-C. He also consulted for companies such as Dentsu, Avenue A and Razorfish, and exited his first Internet company, Nibbledish, a food recipe social network. His last position held was Director of International Product at Cookpad, Japan’s largest recipe site.


Cookpad元ディレクターJon Yongfook氏がシンガポールマネージメント大学でスタートアップをメンタリング

シンガポールマネージメント大学が24−12のJon Yongfook氏をビジネスメンターとして抜擢

Yongfook氏には多くの才能がある。現在、同氏はソフトウェア企業24-12の設立者兼テックディレクター。それ以前は、日本と中国で事業を展開し、資金調達でシリーズCラウンドまで突き進んだ、高級商品の期間限定販売サイトGlamour Salesのディレクターを務めていた。また、Dentsu、Avenue A、Razorfishなどの企業で顧問として働いた経歴も持っている。そして、同氏がネット企業として最初に手掛けた、料理レシピのソーシャルネットワークNibbledishの売却にも成功した。24−12を始める直前には、日本最大のレシピサイトCookpadのInternational Product部門のディレクターを務めた。

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For a long time I’ve wanted to share my experiences with the startup community in Singapore but couldn’t find the right fit. Whilst there are a few incubators operating in Singapore, they are commercially-driven enterprises sometimes negotiating almost 50% of equity from a startup in exchange for seed funding and ongoing mentoring.

SMU is an educational institution and takes no financial stake in startups participating in its incubator program, although individual mentors like myself can opt to invest for small amounts of equity. This means founders enjoy a great sense of freedom and ownership which – in the early stages of market discovery and pivoting business models – is of critical importance.


