Please send me an invoice for the remaining sum. Please also use the discount rate.
Bonsoir,Pour le dessus de lit, je ne sais pas comment faire, donc, je vais laisser comme cela, il ne figurera pas dans la facture finale,Cordialement
Thank you for placing your bid.The image on the photo is a sample, but we have prepared a photo of the guitar that will actually be sent to you, and we are sending it to you now.This guitar has a wonderful wood pattern and its appearance is really good.We have started to prepare to despatch it now and it will take some time until you receive the item.Thank you for your patience.
Thank you for placing an purchase order.Concerning this item, the upper lid is black, does this color suit you?
Merci pour avoir regardé notre page de produits.Notre firme est une firme Japonaise qui envoie les produits de Osaka par courrier suivi avec un numéro de suivi.La livraison s'effectue en 2-3 semaines, ou bien 6-10 jours pour les envoi express (parfois la livraison peut être retardé à cause de certaines circonstances).La taxe d'importation et douane ne sont pas inclus dans le prix des produits et frais de port.Pour réduire la possibilité des accidents qui peuvent aboutir à une degradation de qualité des produits pendant le transport nous expédions nos produits avec une emballage air mat dans le carton de l'envoi.
1)説明▼▼▼シンプルだけど難しいドリンク注ぎゲー▼▼▼◆右のグラスの赤い線を超えるように、左のグラスにドリンクを注ぎます◆ドリンクの水位が線を超えたら成功◆グラスがいっぱいになったら大成功◆線まで届かないと失敗。多すぎて溢れても失敗連続成功回数を競います。ゲーム中に貯まるコインを使えば、自販機ガチャで新しいドリンクが手に入る!飲み物を変えれば気分も一新!2)画像- ドリンクを注ぐ- グラスを満タンにする- コインを稼ぐ- 新しいドリンクを買う
1) Объяснение▼▼▼Простая, но и сложная игра по наливанию напитка▼▼▼◆Надо наливать напиток в левый стакан так, чтобы уровень напитка поднялся выше красной линии правого стакана◆Если уровень напитка поднимется выше линии, то задание выполнено успешно◆Если удастся налить полный стакан, то задание выполнено очень успешно◆Если уровень напитка не достигнет линии, то это проигрыш. Если напиток прольется из стакана, то это тоже проигрыш.Нужно соревноваться в том, сколько раз подряд удастся достичь успеха.Если использовать монетки, которые накапливаются во время игры, то в автомате можно купить новый напиток!Если поменять вид напитка, то и настроение можно освежить!2) Изображение- Налить напиток- Налить полный стакан- Заработать монетку- Купить новый напиток
I knew that you are very busy but I ended up sending you a lot of pictures. I am really sorry. It would be great if I could receive only pictures for myself and my friend.I will be very happy even if I get only one picture. The copyright and the right to refuse being photographed are very strict in Japan. There are very few photoshops online who would print the images from the web. I am ready to do anything to have her read this letter.
5/26 に「Buy BTC」から Amazon のギフト券を購入しました。Amazon の注文履歴を見ると、依頼者には 5/27 に到着しているようです。依頼者には何度か「Confirm Delivery」を押してくれと連絡していますが、回答がありません。詐欺にあったように思えるのですが、この後、私はどのように対処したら良いか教えていただけませんか?
On 5/26 I have bought an Amazon gift coupon at [Buy BTC].Checking the Amazon buying activity record, I can see that it has reached the requester on 5/27.I have several times contacted the requester to ask them to press "Confirm delivery" button, but I have no answer from them.I feel that I might have got caught into a fraud, but can I ask you what should I do next?
Placez une bouteille de 25 cl à la hauteur de la vis de purgeVersez 2 à 3 centimètres de liquide de frein dans la bouteillePlacez l'autre extrémité du tuyau au fond de la bouteille Le liquide de frein au fond de la bouteille empêche l'air de remonter par le tuyau lors de la purgeActionnez 3 ou 4 fois la pédale de freinDesserrez la vis de purge d'un quart de tour Actionnez lentement plusieurs fois la pédale de frein du tiers de la courseN'enfoncez pas la pédale de plus du tiers de la course : vous risqueriez de détériorer les joints du maître cylindre si vous appuyez à fond sur la pédaleVous pouvez placer une cale sous la pédale pour être certain de ne pas dépasser le tiers de la course
Place a bottle of 25 centiliters at the level of the vent screwPour 2 to 3 cm of the brake liquid into the bottleInsert the other end of the hose to the bottom of the bottle The brake liquid at the bottom of the bottle will prevent the air from rising along the hose during the purge3 or 4 times step on the brake pedalLoosen the vent screw one by one quarter of the full turnSlowly press on the brake pedal several times to one third of its depthDo not press the brake pedal more than one third of its depth: you might end up exhausting the joints of the master cylinder if you press the pedal to the full depthYou can put a wedge under the pedal to be sure that you do not exceed one third of the depth of the pedal
I apologize for exhibiting a ZOOM item.
Hello,you have evaluated me as "natural", because the "shipping was late", which I think is a great pity.If you check the site of the Japanese post-office shown below, you will see that the item was sent from the post office on the next day (5/24 Japanese time) after you have paid (5/23 Japanese time).It is clear that after that there will be customs formalities and this takes time.If you'd inquired about this before you submitted your evaluation, I would have explained this to you.Will it be difficult if I ask you to change your evaluation after the item arrives to you?
There are no holes in this item. One only has to put the buildings in the diorama. One also does not need to prepare any adhesive agents or other things. It can be assembled only with the supplied parts. To assemble this item one needs about 24 hours. Another item which is available at the same time, called WDW, is easy to assemble so we would like to recommend it. WDW was put on sale at a later date. In WDW the bad aspects of the current item have been improved and it's quality is good. I have assembled dioramas of both items, so I would highly recommend this item, but the train can only run, so WDW provides more ways to enjoy it after it has been assembled.
It is a white ring which has a glass base of the accessory item and is coated white.As it is used the coating peels off leaving the glass base of the accessory, and the customer can enjoy the two aspects of the accessories of the "peeled off" series.* The ring is made as an adjustable item
The shipping of the item is scheduled for May, 26th.Will it be sent without any problems on May, 26th?More than a month has passed from the date that the order was placed until shipping,so I'm worrying if it will be properly shipped.I am looking forward to receiving your response.
Hello.Concerning the flower seeds that you have ordered.I found out that it is prohibited to export plants to Russia and one cannot send them privately.I am very sorry that I could not help you.
11:00(予定)15:00 16:00 GIP022-222-9999
11:00(scheduled time)15:00 16:00 GIP022-222-9999
A is thinking not about erasing, but about correcting the provision 5.6.So A is considering what phases would be changed.Is there a provision similar to 5.6 in XXX that we employ?Could this information be shared with A?
同じ物語が小説と映画と両方で作られた場合、大概どちらかの方が格段に良かったりする事が多い。そんな中でもこれは両方共に満足が出来た作品である。小説では映画のように時間制限があるわけでもないので、登場人物の生い立ち、より細かい背景などが楽しめる事ができた。映画では文章では読み取れない細かい顔の表情などが見る事ができたし、自分が空想するよりも, よりリアルに物語を楽しむ事ができた。物語的には、映画も小説もほとんど相違がないが、若干訴えるメッセージが違ったようにも受け取れる。
If the same story is created as a novel and a movie, most of the times one of them is much better than the other. However, in this case both bring the same satisfaction. In the novel there is no time limit, so I was able to follow the growth and development of characters, more detailed background etc. In the movie I could watch facial expressions that cannot be derived from written text, and the story was more real and not so much created by my imagination. Concerning the story itself, there was almost no difference between the movie and the novel, but it seems that the message of each was a bit different.
The difficult point is that the executives are careful because they do not want to lose traditional values.Forcing changes on people is not effective, so we always explain the necessity of changes.Besides changing old customs takes time.In the past CEO was a dictator, but now this is not going to work.It is necessary to encourage the company employees, motivate them and talk to them.In order to motivate one's subordinates it is necessary to take interest in what they are doing.You cannot motivate anyone by giving them orders.Further, Japanese are too polite and cannot argue.You are traveling all over the world, it must be difficult for you to look after your health.
I am very sorry to have confused you!I have arranged the shipping today.I'll post the tracking number later.As you have chosen our shop I would like to work with you until the order is complete.As we have caused you some trouble,this item is in a better condition than the one that you have placed your bid on,so I think you are going to like it.However, if you do not feel like going on with the transaction, we'll cancel tomorrow's shipment.Please let us know how you would like to proceed.