決して人が求める理想を求めません。人が笑ってほしいときに笑いません。自分が笑いたいから笑います。- イチロー
I don't seek after what others look up to. I don't laugh when others want me to laugh. I laugh because I want to. - Ichiro
服装って、その人の顔だと思う- 中田英寿
I think what a person wears represents the face of that person. - Hidetoshi Nakata
アメリカに出てきたのは、NBAを見て楽しむだけではなく、一緒にやってみたい一心だった。できるとかできないというより、やってみたい気持だけ。- 田臥勇太
Why I came to America was because not only I wanted to watch and enjoy NBA, but also because I wanted to play with them. It wasn't like whether I could make it or not. I just wanted to play, that was all I thought. - Yuta Tabuse
This is such a great service, but is it by human? By system?
革張りの椅子に深々と座りながら、王子が言う。 「偉そうに」とは思ったが正論ではあるし、相手は王子だ。ミズキが反論できる相手ではない。ミズキ:「はい………」 返事一つに留め、他の窓の外側も拭く。 それから今度は壁に飾られた絵画の額縁を拭いた。 絵が描かれている部分には雑巾が触れないように、そっと注意深く。王子:「内側の突出した部分にまだ埃が残っているだろう」ミズキ:「………はい……」
Subsiding into the leather chair, prince says. "Ha, Who do you think you are !?", he thinks. But then it is prince he is opposing. It is not someone who Mizuki can object to. Mizuki : "Yes...."Settling with a reply, he starts polishing the outside of the window. Then, he starts cleaning a picture frame that is hung on the wall. Gently and carefully, he tries to wipe the picture frame without touching the painting part.Prince : "There is some more dust on the projected part inside" Mizuki : "...Yes..."
絵が描かれている部分には雑巾が触れないように、細心の注意を払って。 目が一気に疲れてきた。マユミ:「ナツメ、いらっしゃい」ナツメ:「あ、はい!」 やってきたマユミに呼ばれて、ナツメが部屋を出ていく。 心細かったが、ミズキは掃除を続けることしかできなかった。 箒を取り、床を掃いていく。王子:「あまり埃を立てるな。それでは掃除しても他のところに散っていく」ミズキ:「はい」
Paying attention and being careful not to touch the painting part. All of a sudden, his visions gets fuzzy and tired.Mayumi : "Natsume, welcome"Natsume : "Oh, yes!"Called by Mayumi who came over, Natsume goes out of the room. Mizuki feels worried, but he just needs to continue cleaning. Picking up a broom, he starts sweeping the floor. Prince : "Do not stir up dust. That way, the dust goes elsewhere even if you clean"Mizuki : "Yes"
王子:「終わったら水拭き、それから乾拭きだ。ここで寝ないとしても、長時間いれば喉がやられる」ミズキ:「はい」王子:「………箒の使い方がなってないな」ミズキ:「すみませんねー、慣れなくて」王子:「下町の男は母親の掃除風景を見て育つものだと思ったが、違うようだな」 小ばかにしたような物言い。 普通の下男だったら苛立って、でも反抗できなくて我慢して終わりだったろう。だが、ミズキは違った。
Prince : "When you are done with that, mopping with water and wiping with a dry cloth. Even if I don't sleep in here, it will kill my throat by staying in this room for long hours"Mizuki : "Yes"Prince : "....... You don't know how to use a broom"Mizuki : "I am sorry, but I can't get used to it"Prince : "I thought boys from traditional towns grow up seeing their mothers clean. I guess I was wrong"Such a derisive manner of speaking. Normal male servants would have felt frustrated, but have just tried to endure because they could not rebel against their masters. However, Mizuki is different.
Mizuki : "My mom died right after giving birth to me"Prince : ".......!"Mizuki : "A neighborhood grandma grew me up. Me who had no family. Together with other kids who were also orphaned, I was helping with housework for her whose legs were not in good conditions. That is why I have never seen adults cleaning" Mizuki : "Even if I did some cleaning, it was not big a house like this with such a big space and high ceiling"Prince : "......"
BRADY TRADITIONAL TROUT FISHING BAG GENTS ARIELのカーキのLサイズを8個、Mサイズを8個、Sサイズを5個。ブラックのLサイズを10個、Sサイズを5個を全部で日本までの送料を含めて£2300で購入したい。日本には10日間で届くようにしてほしいができるか?
I would like 8 pieces of size L, 8 pieces of size M and 5 pieces of size S of BRADY TRADITIONAL TROUT FISHING BAG GENTS ARIEL in Khaki. Also, 10 pieces of size L in black and 5 pieces of size S to be sent to Japan at £2300. Will you be able to arrange for that? I would like them shipped to Japan in 10 days. Can you do that for me?
ナツメが少し困ったようにこちらを見たが、ミズキは肩を竦めてみせる。 出会って数日しかしていない王子のことなど、どう気を遣えばいいのかわかるはずがない。ナツメ:「じゃあ、お言葉に甘えて………」 逡巡して、ナツメはそう結論を出した。 雑巾を渡され、ミズキはまず窓を拭いていく。 やたら大きい窓の上を拭くには脚立が必要なほどだった。ミズキ:「これ………いつもどうやって掃除してるんだ?」 手を伸ばすのを諦めて、ミズキは脚立を組み立てる。
Natsume shows a little perplexed expression, but Mizuki just shrugs it off.She can never have understood how to attend to the prince whom she met just days ago. Natsume : "Alright then... In that case, I will..."With hesitation, Natsume has decided to go ahead. After Mizuki gets her floor cloth, she starts polishing the window. She even needs a stepladder to polish the top part of the window.Mizuki : "Here..... How do you usually clean?"Mizuki has given up reaching out for the top of the window, and starts assembling the stepladder.
ナツメ:「普段はフウとネムが肩車してるよ。僕とミズキくんじゃどうやっても届かないけど」 脚立に登って本棚の上のほうからハタキをかけながら、ナツメが言った。 どうしてこの部屋は上へ上へと長く設計されているんだろう。 苛立ちを覚えながら、ミズキは一生懸命になって窓を拭く。王子:「毎回思うが、何故私の部屋にナツメがくるんだ。フウとネムが掃除をすれば脚立を使うこともないだろう」ナツメ:「あー………まぁ、みんな忙しいですから」 ナツメが適当に濁す。
Natsume : "Usually, Fu and Nemu ride piggyback on each other. Mizuki-kun and I will never make it."Natsume says as he climbs up the stepladder and starts dusting off from where the bookshelf is.Why was this room planned to go on and on and on towards the ceiling?With frustration, Mizuki works hard to polish the window.Prince : "I think about this every time, but why does Natsume come to my room? The stepladder is not needed if Fu and Nemu can clean."Natsume : "Ah... well, everyone's busy, you know."Natsume speak evasively.
窓を拭き終わって脚立から降りたところで、どういうことかとこっそり訊ねると、ナツメ:「………メイド長、僕の身長。これでわかるよね?」 ………どうやらメイド長の嫌がらせらしい。 確かに、脚立を使えば掃除はできる。 だからといってこんな効率の悪い方法で掃除させるのだろうか。ナツメ:「いいもんね。いつか僕がメイド長になってやるんだから」ミズキ:「お前、男だろ………」 意気込むナツメに、ミズキは冷静に一言呟く。
When he finishes cleaning the window and gets off the stepladder, he asks what he meant. Natsume : ".... maid leader, my height. You should know what I mean now."... It seems like it is maid leader's harassment. It is true the cleaning can be done with a stepladder. Just because of that, will the maid leader get people to clean in such an ineffective way?Natsume : "Never mind. I will be a maid leader one day."Mizuki : "But you are a boy."Mizuki calmly mutters to enthusiastic Natsume.
王子:「おい」 と、王子に呼ばれ、ミズキは振り向く。 窓を指(さ)され、何のことだかわからずにミズキは近寄っていった。王子:「まだ曇っているだろう」ミズキ:「あ………すみません」 慌てて雑巾でこする。が、落ちない。 それもそのはずだった。室内側ではなく、外側の汚れだったのだ。 窓を開けて裏側を拭くと、汚れはサッと落ちる。王子:「ドアも窓も、表裏両方を見ることになるものは特に注意しろ」王子:「だが、懸命になりすぎて窓から身を乗り出すなよ」
Prince : "Hey"When prince calls Mizuki, Mizuki turns around. Prince points the window. Mizuki does not know what it is about, so he approaches the window. Prince : "It is not clean enough" Mizuki : "Oh.... excuse me"In a flurry, Mizuki scrubs the window, but the dirt does not come off. It was to have been expected. It is outside of the window that is dirty, not inside. Mizuki opens the window and cleans the other side of the window. The dirt goes off immediately. Prince : "Doors and windows - you need to especially pay attention to those with 2 sides."Prince : "But also, you need to be careful not to throw yourself out of the window."
この世に生を受けたこと。それ自体が最大のチャンスではないか!- アイルトン・セナ
Given a life in this world. That is the biggest opportunity itself! - Ayrton Senna
人生の中でなんどもなんども繰り返し私は失敗した。それが私が成功した理由だ- マイケル・ジョーダン
I have failed over and over again, and that is why I succeed. - Michael Jordan
The important thing is if you have tried your best you could. I want to be the genius of the effort. - Ian Thorpe
You seem busier than usual because of your relocation. I met Mr. B on Friday. He is studying hard to learn about products of T company. He seemed he was troubled because of the future strategy. I heard then that he was requested by D from W university to confirm his attendance. He said it was arranged in November, and the schedule has since been changed to the 15th December. I am sure you have been notified about the said change, but will you be able to confirm your attendance?
Frankly speaking, D has requested us to attend the meeting too as he has no confidence in this attendance. As a matter of fact, it is not necessary, but W university makes its decisions on manufacturer's willingness based on the width of support it gets. Therefore, we cannot simply neglect our parts. Kindly make your decision based on your own viewpoint as I am currently not in a position to meddle with the matter. Christmas holidays are coming soon. I know you are busy, but please take a good care of yourself.
I received 100xxx. It is a great instrument. I am satisfied. Thank you again. By the way, after much consideration, I would like to purchase your 125xxx. I will pay using PayPal again this time. I do not have much fund at the moment, I will be able to make the payment most probably before this Christmas. I will make the payment definitely before 10 January next year the latest, so will you reserve 125xxx for me until then?
I would like to place an order of A again. The group buying price is a lot cheaper, so I cannot buy it at the price I bought the last time. I will order 200 pieces this time, so can you sell them to me at $20.00 per piece?