ザクロ:「下男は自分たちで食事を作る。王族や国賓は勿論厨房が。ではメイドたちはどうしているんだ? ここに買い物にきているふうでもないが」ミズキ:「そういえば………変だな」見習いコック:「メイドたちは保存のきく食材を安いときに買い込んで、魚とか肉類は俺たちについでに買ってきてもらうようにとメイド長に言われてるそうです」ザクロ:「最初からお前たちに全て買いに行かせればいいだろう」
Zakuro : "Servants make their own meals. The king's and national guests' are prepared by the cooks. Then, what about maids? They don't seem to come here to buy stuff"Mizuki : "Well, .... yes, that is really strange"Trainee cook : "Maids buy a large stock of ingredients that can be preserved for a long time, and the maid master tells maids to let us buy stuff like fish and meat when we come over here"Zakuro : "Why not let you guys buy everything from the very start?"
見習いコック:「その………人手不足なんですよ。シェフや先輩たちは毎日料理に追われてますから。新しいヤツが入ってこないと俺も下っ端のままで、ずっと買い出し係になっちまいますし………」ザクロ:「………ふむ」見習いコック:「………じゃ、じゃあ俺は仕入れに行ってきます………」 そう言って男性は逃げるように走っていく。ミズキ:「………俺も買い物に行きたいんだけど、ザクロ様はどうすんの?」ザクロ:「馴れ馴れしく喋るなら様づけするな」
Trainee cook : "Well.... we are suffering from a shortage of workers. Cooks and seniors are busy cooking everyday. If there are no new workers, I will stay as a minor and my duty will be just to go shopping..."Zakuro : "....hmm...."Trainee cook : "... Well, I, I am going for grocery shopping now..."He leaves as if fleeing. Mizuki : "....I've gotta go shopping too, but what about you, Sir Zakuro?"Zakuro : "If you are talking to me in that manner, don't even try putting SIR"
ミズキ:「アンタそれでも王子か? 普通そこは『敬語を使え』って言うだろ」ザクロ:「………ここにいても暇なだけだ。村の様子を見るのもいいだろう。買い物についていくぞ」ミズキ:「ちょっと! そっちは港!」 そう言いながら、王子はミズキよりも先にさっさと歩いていく。 「ついていく」と言いながらこれだ。それよりも、王子は道をわかっていないのではないだろうか。ザクロ:「全く、さっさと歩け」ミズキ:「アンタが勝手に歩いたんだろ!」
Mizuki : "Are you really prince? Aren't you instead supposed to say TALK TO ME POLITELY?"Zakuro : "... It's just gonna be boring staying here. It's not a bad idea to walk around the village. I'll follow you for shopping"Mizuki : "Hey! It's the port that way!"As he says so, prince walks ahead of Mizuki.Prince said "I will follow you", but look at him. Anyway, Mizuki is now worried prince might not know where he is heading. Zakuro : "Gosh, hurry" Mizuki : "You went ahead me!"
そう言い返して、ミズキはザクロの腕を掴む。 勝手に歩き回られて文句を言われるなんて堪ったものじゃない。 嫌でもこちらについてきてもらうためだった。 まずは八百屋に入る。 野菜は比較的軽く、また魚を先に買うと鮮度が落ちてしまうからとフウに教えられたからだ。ミズキ:「おばさん。キュウリを十本と、トマトを五つね。安く………」八百屋:「あんらまぁ、王宮の下働きの子かい?」ミズキ:「え、そうですけど………」
Getting back at prince, Mizuki grabs Zakuro's arm.Mizuki can't stand prince complaining about him for his selfish acts. Grabbing prince's arm might make him follow Mizuki for sure. Getting into the vegetable shop first. Vegetables are rather light, and the freshness of the fish will be lost if he buys them first - That is what Fuu taught Mizuki. Mizuki : "Aunt. 10 cucumbers and 5 tomatoes, please. Make them cheap..."Vegetable seller : "Oh my, you are the servant from the palace, aren't you?"Mizuki : "Yes, I am...."
八百屋:「ナツメちゃんとは違って、男らしいけど可愛い子が入ったのねぇ。またきてくれる?」ミズキ:「はい、もちろん」八百屋:「じゃあ割引しちゃうわね」 ………八百屋で買うべき食材は、三割引きで買えた。 結構簡単に値引きしてもらえるんだなと思いながら、今度は卵屋へ向かう。 しかし、今度は一筋縄ではいかないようだ。 店主は常に顔を顰めて、新聞に目を通している。 話しかけるのも躊躇ってしまうくらいだった。
Vegetable seller : "You are kinda different from Natsume-chan, but you are one cute boy. Will you come again?"Mizuki : "Of course"Vegetable seller : "Okay then, I will give you a discount"... I got ingredients needed from this vegetable seller at a 30% discount. Mizuki feels it was pretty easy getting a discount, and heads down to the egg seller. However this time around, it is not as easy it seems. The shop owner frowns and reads the newspaper. Mizuki even hesitates to talk to him.
ザクロ:「何をしているんだ」 いつまで経っても店主に話しかけないミズキに、ザクロが苛々と問いかける。 その偉そうな物言いが耳に入ってしまったのか、店主がギロリとミズキ及びザクロを睨んだ。卵屋:「………!」ミズキ:「………?」卵屋:「お、王子様じゃぁねぇですか! なんでこんなとこに………」ザクロ:「視察だ」 視察。
Zakuro : "What are you doing?"With frustration, Zakuro asks Mizuki as he does not talk to the shop owner.The shop owner must have heard the way Zakuro talked to Mizuki, and he stared at Mizuki and Zakuro. Egg seller : "........!"Mizuki : ".....?"Egg seller : "Prin.... prince!!! Why on earth are you here....?"Zakuro : "I'm inspecting"Inspecting.
A junior baseball coach
The company handling the item A in question has replied to me. My English knowledge is limited. I am sorry but I am redirecting it to you as it is. Return label is also attached. Is it correct? If everything is correct, will you please send this item back? The other 3 items in question are being handled by other companies. I am trying to contact them now. These items arrived after, so please wait till the 26th. I am not sure if I will get replies from them before the 23rd.
The item was listed at $ ● on eBay, so I thought I could get a 10% discount from that price. I would like ●, ● and ●, so please send these items on express delivery as there is not much time left.
In Japan, the external box is as important as the items inside.Even if the box is slightly damaged, its value goes down. As such, please pack it carefully.Please make sure that the box will not arrive damaged.
Sure, no problem. If it an be arranged, please send the item A together with other items. If not, you can send the item A alone separately but as soon as possible. Please send the item B with the items I will order in the future.
10.5 dotだけ750ドルで購入します。8dotと9dotはペイントブレイクじゃないと売れないんだけど、日本までの送料を含めて全部で2100ドルなら購入します。ちなみに8dotと9dotはTシリアルが入っていますか?それとスリーブも付属しますか?
I would like to purchase only 10.5 dot at $ 750.As for 8 dot and 9 dot, I feel they won't sell if they are not paintbreak. However, if you can make them all at $ 2100 including shipping fee to Japan, I will purchase them. By the way, are there T serials for 8 dot and 9 dot?Also, are sleeves included?
I received a complaint that a sensor was not responding from a customer who bought an item A on the other day. When I replaced its sensor with the one I had, the problem was solved. I assume the problem is initial failure. Will you replace the item with a new one?
Namu : "It is all up to you, how we want to spend the remaining money. Sooooooo, it's important for the person-in-charge of shopping how much he or she can negotiate on stuff"Fu : "Yes, food expenses for all servants. Is it alright that the menu will be decided by the person in charge of shopping?"Mizuki : "Cooking....?"Nemu : "In the slum, it is rather hard just to get water. There is no proper system either"Natsume : "Then, I can think of the menu and ingredients. I will teach cooking too when I return"Hagi : "Cooks will leave for the village of Lean at 8 o'clock. They will use a carriage, so I will hop on"
ミズキ:「うん。わかった」 眠たそうなナツメがギリギリ読める文字で書いてくれた食材リストと、銀貨の詰まった麻袋を受け取って、ミズキは外に出た。 ナツメが書いている途中でウトウトしていたこともあって、時間はもう八時近くになっている。 教えられた場所に走っていくと、既に若い男性(見習いのコックらしい)が馬車の前に立っていた。 時間ギリギリではあるが、間に合ったことには変わりない。 男性は笑いながら、馬車に乗るようミズキを促した。
Mizuki : "Alright, got it"Mizuki is out of the place with an almost unreadable food list that was prepared by sleepy Natsume and a jute bag full of silver coins. Natsume took a long time to list up the items as he was falling half asleep, it is now almost 8 o'clock. Mizuki runs towards the place he was told, and saw a young man (seems like a trainee cook) standing in front of the carriage. It doesn't make a difference, I made it at 8 'clock anyway.The man asks Mizuki to be on the carriage as he smiles.
ミズキが乗り込み、続いて男性も乗り込もうとした………そのときだった。王子:「すまないが、乗せてくれるか?」 そう言って王子が、馬車の扉に手をかけた。見習いコック:「え、あ、お、王子様?! せ、狭いですがよろしければ………」 男性がやや怯えながら王子に席を譲り、逃げるように御者の隣席に座る。 王子と馬車で二人きりになるなんて………と半ば気まずさを感じたのだが、無情にも御者はさっさと扉を閉めて、馬を走らせた。
Mizuki hops on and the man tries to follow Mizuki... Just about then......Prince : "Sorry, but can I join?"Prince puts his hand on the carriage door. Trainee cook : "Oh, ah, hm, prince?! This... this is rather small but.... please..."Frightened, the man gives his seat to prince, and sits next to the driver as if fleeing. Being in the carriage alone with prince... Unpleasantness fills the carriage, but the driver closes the door and runs the horse.
ミズキ:「………なんでアンタがこの馬車に乗るわけ? 自分の馬車を使えば済む話じゃないか。見習いさんに気を遣わせて………」王子:「アンタじゃない。ザクロという名がある」ミズキ:「………ザクロサマ。どーしてこの馬車に乗ったんですかー」ザクロ:「………自分の馬車に乗れない理由があった」ミズキ:「ほうほう。車輪でも外れましたか」ザクロ:「………今日の午前中に父上との話し合いがあったのだが、サボタージュした」ミズキ:「ほうほう」
Mizuki : "... Why on earth are you taking this carriage ride? Can't you take your own carriage? You have made the trainee cook nervous"Prince : "I am not YOU. I have a name called ZAKURO"Mizuki : "... Mister Zakuro, why did you get on this carriage? "Zakuro : "... I couldn't get on mine"Mizuki : "Well well, did one of the wheels came off?"Zakuro : "... I had a meeting with my father in the morning, but it was all sabotage"Mizuki : "Um hm"
ミズキ:「………………はっ?」ザクロ:「自分の馬車を使ってはどこに行ったのか見当がつけられるだろう。だからお前たちの馬車に潜り込んだんだ」 平然と言い退けるザクロ。 ミズキは少し考えてしまった。 国務ではないとはいえ、王子………ザクロは王様との約束を破って、どこに逃げたかバレないように下男の使うような馬車に乗り込んだ。 頭が良いんだか悪いんだか、よくわからない行動だった。
Mizuki : "......... Oh?!"Zakuro : "If I use my own carriage, they will know where I go, so I sneak into your carriage"Zakuro continues as if nothing happened.Mizuki thinks for a min. Even if this is not a national event, prince, no, ZAKURO, breaks the promise with the king and gets on the carriage of his servants so he will not be chased after. This is hard to understand. Is he wise or not?
せめて自分ぐらい自分を褒めて認めてあげないと自分が救われない。自分の味方になれるのは自分だけ - 美輪 明宏
At least I should give myself a pat on my back and acknowledge myself. If not, I will be damned. The only person who can stand by you is you yourself. - Akihiro Miwa
ステージの大きさは関係無い。炎は同じ温度で燃えるだろ?-David Lee Roth(Van Halen )
The size of the stage does not matter. Fire always buns at the same temperature, doesn't it? - David Lee Roth (Van Halen)